Fashion Joins War Against Men
January 25, 2014

(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this underhanded, vicious and hateful attack on their identity and meaning.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.

The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.

Sweden also has a new gender-neutral pronoun: "Hen" . See: A country tries to banish gender.
While we're waiting for Gender Neutral dress codes to hit our grade schools, I expect we'll soon see "The Stars" dressed like this on the covers of tabloids we see every day in checkout lines. We'll see celebrities being praised for it ad nauseum on TV shows and news. And people will go right on watching TV and laughing about it with their children. In a year of so they'll wonder why their sons start dressing like that.
We as a nation could put the brakes on this shit with a single act. It can be done at home, with a few clicks on the computer or phone call. It doesn't require town hall meetings, union dues, joining a party, voting, or marching around City Hall with bullhorns.

The only way that's going to happen is a spontaneous wave of revulsion sweeping through the population. It's happened before a few times in history.
My grandparents said when the public gets fed-up with something, look out. It's like flipping a switch.
I read somewhere that around 411 AD, a generation came along in Rome that simply quit going to the Colosseum out of disgust for blood sport.
But it's a very long way to the 'bottom'. Since they're taking the children down this road to gender confusion and narcissism I now think it may be at least a generation, but more likely several generations for humanity to 'hit bottom' and throw off this 'New World Order'.

First Comment from Henrik Palmgren (Red Ice Radio):
"I don't think the Swedes are especially perverse naturally. There's just something in their nature that made them highly vulnerable to social engineering."
He should make himself familiar with "The Nordic Model" and the cultural nuances of what really is going on in Sweden and Scandinavia. This is something that we have been taking about on Red Ice Radio for years now. More: http://www.redicecreations.
It's not something in "our nature". It's the state control of education, socialism and the social engineering that is planned against men in Sweden from the cradle to deat:
(Left, Kanya West wears skirt to perform at recent Sandy Hill benefit concert.)
Don adds:
Richard Evans writes: "I don't think the Swedes are especially perverse naturally. There's just something in their nature that made them highly vulnerable to social engineering."
It's their passive-aggressiveness, a trait that is a key component of most northern European cultures - cultures in which, not coincidentally, feminism has made its most destructive strides. Passive-aggressiveness is a defining feature of the female, as opposed to the male's direct aggression. When feminism came along, men of Scandinavian and other northern European backgrounds fell over like dominoes because they had been reared according to a "go along, get along" mentality - one that served them well when it came time to help each other through the long, brutal winters, but also a mindset that was wholly inadequate to repel the feminist foe.
Just to cite one of many examples, consider how Elin Nordegren reacted to Tiger Woods' infidelity. In Scandinavia, the spirit of the Viking conqueror of old burns far more brightly in the women than it does in the men. Feminism won't be turned back in that part of the world until each man feels free to channel his inner Erik the Red.
Doug P said (January 26, 2014):
I think a lot of people know this, but David Rockefeller was forced to wear a dress as a young child. This was on a History channel documentary about the Rockefellers.