How Widespread is White Resentment?
November 8, 2013

I am posting this article to initiate a discussion. I do not agree with many of its assumptions.
For example, I believe that crime is dependent on social conditions rather than race. I think most racial minorities assimilate and invigorate Western countries. Most are hardworking and have traditional values which serve as a counterweight to Illuminati degradation.
Nonetheless, I think European-origin nations have a right to maintain their general racial composition. H. Millard sounds no different than most Israelis but only he would be condemned as a "racist."
Indeed, "racists" are the greatest friends of other races, because they insist on preserving racial distinctions. Liberals are the real "racists" because they would erase distinctions so that all races disappear. This is the Illuminati agenda: "to undermine all collective identity except our own." (Protocols of Zion)
I think of races as I do individuals, members of the family of man, each contributing unique qualities, none superior to the other.
"Whites Shouldn't be Forced to Live Among Non-Whites"
by H. Millard
(Courtesy of Canadian Association for Free Expression)
Edited/abridged by
I'm an individual human being. I am also a White human being. As long as I don't harm others, no other human beings have the right to tell me how to live, who to associate with, what to think, what to believe, what I can and cannot read or do, what I can say or not say. They are not superior to me. This is what it means to be a free human being. Anything less than this is not freedom; it is oppression, tyranny and slavery.
It is obscene that we White people have to put up with non-White crime and social problems. And, even more, it is absurd that all humans are lumped together as though we are all the same. We are not all the same. We look different externally, and we have different DNA codes internally. We are different peoples.
We should not be forced to blend together, but should be allowed to evolve as we determine is best for each of us individually and as groups of like individuals. Blending all human races together will not improve the species; it will force it down to the lowest common denominator.

Racial integration is a failure. Racial diversity is a failure. Multiculturalism is a failure. These only bring non-White crime, social problems and miscegenation to once safe and, yes, pure White communities. And, Whites are not only victimized physically by these failed social experiments, but we are also victimized by being made to pay for services and benefits for people unlike us.
To be racially sensitive and not "racist," we Whites are expected to just accept being second class citizens and give up college seats and job opportunities and promotions to less qualified non-Whites. We are expected to bend over backwards to understand and be sensitive to the needs of people unlike us. This is stupid. We Whites shouldn't waste one second of our time or burn one calorie in such efforts. There is no profit in this for us. Non-Whites are not our kind. They are not our people. We owe them nothing, other than leaving them alone to their own separate destinies.
As it is now, we Whites must pay for the welfare and medical care and housing and much more for non-Whites and we must hire more police and pay for them to keep non-Whites from attacking and murdering us. The ant and the grasshopper fable comes to mind, but tenfold, as we, the industrious White ants have been forced to accept the non-White grasshoppers into our ant communities as equals. The result is harmful to us. Even if some groups of non-Whites aren't a direct problem, they are still not our kind and don't belong in our communities.

The laws that we Whites have written over the years are based on the innate outward manifestations and expressions of the White genetic code that makes us the people that we are. They pretty much work for us, as a separate people living among our own kind, but they fail to work in racially blended societies.
Our laws, our constitution, our mores and ways were designed for us, by us and they're about us-and they do not always fit with other peoples. Why? Because, they are different from the ground on up, and trying to force them to be like us oppresses both them and us and it stunts our own development and robs us of our human sovereignty.
Now, even many of the weakest seed Whites in society acknowledge that we humans come in different flavors. After all, even they have eyes to see, so they're pretty much forced to admit differences. So far, so good. Then, common sense falls apart, because many of them then try to deny that there are internal differences also.
And, as they do that, some among them also try to deny the significance of the external differences and they foolishly try to deny that violent crime levels and social dysfunction levels are color coded. Some of these weak seed Whites suffer from cognitive dissonance and jump through hoops trying to reconcile the high Black violent crime rate with their false belief that Blacks are the same as Whites except for different paint jobs.

Let's be very clear about this. Non-Whites are not Whites. They look different because they are different. They have different internal codes than Whites just as they have different external appearances. This is true no matter what some dimwitted weak seed politicians and elites try to tell us and force on us.
We Whites are a White people inside and outside and we have a God (or nature, if you prefer) given right to our freedom as the sovereign individuals that we are. We are no one's slaves. No human or group of humans have the right to keep us from being ourselves and living our lives as we want among our own kind. Let them have their ways, and we'll have ours. Don't try to lump us together under some artificial national label. The most authentic label that we have is the one we were born with: White people. We are our genes and our genes are us.

Non-Whites are not our responsibility. We owe them absolutely nothing. Again, they are not our kind. They are a burden to us. We do not have to carry such a burden. We have enough burdens of our own to carry.
We Whites have a right to self-identification, self-determination, self-destiny and a whole lot of other positive "self" combinations.
We can't continue trying to fit non-Whites into a White society. They don't fit into ours and we don't fit into theirs. We know who we are and many of us want to stay with our own kind.
We have a right to be White, to think White, to stay White, to evolve White. And, we don't need anyone's permission to be as we were born to be.
"Hate Speech" No Longer Part of Canada's Human Rights Act
Barbara Spectre calls for multi-racial Europe in contrast to racially pure Israel
Makow - Is Jewish Plan for Racial Strife Also a Hoax?
First Comment from Omar:
A couple points:
- non-white immigration into white countries is only promoted in first world white countries where there are low skilled jobs in need of workers . This isn't happening in Albania or even Portugal.
- the elite: large corporations, business owners, which are White and Jewish owned, support and promote this immigration so they can reduce overhead through cheap labor
- most immigrants make way better workers, and work for less money, and are so afraid of breaking the law and being sent back to their home country that they follow the laws to the T
- More than 40% of all US doctors are of East Indian, Arab, or Asian extraction. These people represent less than 15% of the US population
- East Indian Americans along with Lebanese Americans are among the richest groups in the US
- 75% of the tech and engineering jobs in the US are filled by foreigners!
- I have never known, heard of, or believe there is such a thing of an immigrant Mexican that does not work - they have a work ethic that a 3rd generation American can only achieve if a gun was put to their head
Maybe if whites, and other Americans whose roots go back a century, were willing to work as hard and to study more in the fields of science, medicine, engineering, and technology, there would not be such a need for minority immigrants.
Nevertheless, there is a conspiracy of sorts against White people. Although Japan has a developed economy and there are many jobs that Japanese do not want to work in or are not qualified to work in, Japan has not been victim to massive foreign immigration.
On the other hand, the UAE - United Arab Emirates , boasts a foreign born population of over 75% - to fill their labor needs. The difference between the UAE and northern and Western Europe and the US, is that these immigrants are 2nd class citizens - in fact they can never become citizens. They are just guest workers expected to go home eventually.
John said (November 10, 2013):
Comments from Omar and Nathan as well as some others are spot-on in every way. The problem is not from individuals marrying into other races, but of whole cultures being systematically destroyed by TPTB.
Mr. H. Millard is absolutely wrong when he says that the races are completely unalike. All of mankind is of the same species. Which is exactly why Negros, Orientals and Caucasians are able to interbreed with one another; we are of the same species, but of different sub-groups. Lions and tigers can interbreed; same species, different sub-groups.
What the facts show, is that the differences between us has nothing whatsoever to do with race, but everything to do with culture, and culture alone.
That different races can cross over to other races successfully is an historically proven fact. Aleksandr Pushkin the famous Russian Poet and Alexandre Dumas the great French writer are to name a couple. They both had Negro blood in their veins, yet they were accepted in their societies.
The catch here of course is assimilating into another culture correctly; that is learning their language, customs and ways in order to be successful at assimilation. I would never move, to say Mongolia and expect the Mongolians
to learn English and Western culture.
Culture is what binds people-groups together; not race. The Creole culture (Haiti, Louisiana, French Guiana, etc.) is a prime example. I have never witnessed racism in any form, as we speak the same language, eat the same type of food and share the same ways. Creole culture is predominately a Black culture,
yet I look 100% White (I'm not.). Yet I have never been treated as a minority in any way. My point is, that if I did not speak the language or know their ways, then I myself would definitely be an outsider.