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Scots Feel Oppressed by Government

November 30, 2013

gibson.jpg(left, Mel Gibson in Braveheart)

From driving to heating to recycling,
Scots endure a plethora of petty, draconian regulations.

And there's another sore point, immigration.

"Essentially, they have a government that hates them
It is truly jaw-dropping how depressing this is to people."

Henry, I got this from a friend of mine who is originally from Scotland. He and his wife are back there visiting family and friends. It reminds me of the movie "Brazil".

Subject: Mood here

Hi D, Well the mood here is a resigned acceptance. R is right when she says people have nice cars, and the Germans truly dominate here, but the government has made it almost impossible and very cost prohibitive to keep an older car, as after three years it has an annual safety check and they fail it for the smallest things - think chipped windshield or worn wiper blades.

And you don't get a grace period to fix it- either it gets fixed right then and there or you have to leave the car there until you can get it fixed. How about taking your car in to get the wiper blades replaced and the guy notices a worn tire? he simply tells you he cannot lawfully let you drive away until you have him change the tire.

boiler.jpgHow about this? Here most people have radiators for heating. They have a boiler that heats the water for the heating and the hot water. So your boiler starts acting up or stops working. You call the approved repair guy (don't even think about fixing it yourself, that's a jail-time offense)  and he shows up, says your boiler is too old to get parts (usually after 8 years old) and condemns it.

 He places a sticker on it and cuts off the power source or gas supply to it. You have no heat until your get it replaced. Its illegal to do anything to it (god forbid you try to get it going yourself) so you need to have him replace it.

This all came about because of the Kyoto Protocol. Remember the one where the Americans refused to sign and all the greenies were up in arms?
This is why. It has completely taken control of peoples lives here.


g1.jpgAs for immigration, not only are the Muslims breeding like rabbits, but now after February a flood of gypsies is expected. All coming here for the benefits. People here have had experience of these human pigs, known as Roma, or as we remember them, Gypsies. They live in their filthy hovels of trailers on the outskirts of town and make a living by stealing peoples' property.

They steal farmers stock to eat, and even steal the swans from the public parks.

Everyone I've talked to, D,  despises the total control the government has over their lives, the immigration issues, the forced taxes for the most ridiculous stuff. 

glasgow.jpgHow about another? The cities employ recycling enforcers, known as the bin police, to walk ahead of the trash trucks opening everyone's trash can to see if there is anything recyclable in the trash. If there is you get put on 6 months probation. If you do it again inside the 6 months, no trash collection for you.

A guy I know got put on probation for putting a 4" long piece of 2x4 wood in his trash. You cannot put food waste in your trash, that must go in a separate bin.

So people have to keep a stinky little bin full of rotting waste which only gets emptied every two weeks. No more going to the dump with anything. You call up and pay dearly to have stuff removed.

Normally when we come here I only talk to family and friends who don't really care too much. They just want to get on with it. But this time I have talked to a lot more, and it is truly jaw-dropping how depressing all this is to people.


Essentially, they have a government that hates them. Traffic is a nightmare, and the government has declared war on the car. But the prices for the trains is stratospheric now since they know they are the "approved" method of travel.

Before we left in 1980 (I know, a long time ago) a ticket to London was about 4 pounds return. Now its close to 400. I know I'm on a downer here D, and the people are still lovely, kind and considerate and always say "sorry" and willing to help in any way.

But their policy of giving control to the government has completely and utterly failed them.

The idea of Scottish independence is a sad joke. North Sea oil is running out, immigrants are pouring in and the country simply cannot sustain itself with the present policies.

 It will certainly mean significant increases in taxes, and even more government control over everyday lives. I am against it completely.

 Phew !! Mega-note. I'll tell you more when I get back, maybe over a beer someplace? Hi to everybody.


First Comment from Micky:

The annual MOT car test is strict but you can take your car to a garage a month before the MOT runs out so if the car fails you have a month to get it repaired and my car is 15 years old so you can run old cars as long as they are kept road worthy.

As for the bins there maybe a few over zealous council staff who enforce the rules to the letter but I have never saw anybody check the bins,our food waste is collected weekly it is kept in a small bin outside and we get a small caddy with free biodegradable bags to put the waste in so we do not have rotting stinky food lying about and just for the record our food waste goes to a local farm where it is made into compost.

Yes we do need a corgi registered engineer to repair our boilers but when dealing with gas this is only right as you don't want some numpty blowing up the whole street.

Things are bad we do have a lot of immigrants but how many Scots are living outside Scotland? It's a two way street and as for independence I will be voting for it oil or no oil,and our local pond has a thriving colony of ducks.

There are issues with big brother, a wrecked economy,robbing banksters, pollution,corruption,crime but please don't publish articles that are not accurate. Things are bad but not that bad yet.

Comment by Vicky:

I would just like to say that I enjoyed reading "Scots Feel Oppressed". I am Scottish and currently, I am living in the country. I would like to say that the date of the 'accident' was on the  29th November and not actually on the 30th - St Andrew's Day, but JV (see Comments)  is correct about the horror and death scenario. The date is a clue to who could be behind it also Henry, you know their love of the number 11.

This, I fear, was no accident, and is only the beginning of a troublesome time for the Scots.

 I live in a rural area where half a million pounds has been spent upgrading CCTV cameras. One of the reasons given was "co-ordinating major emergency operations". In a rural area?  Yet at the same time, they are closing many local sheriff courts and town police stations. Is this because crime is falling? No, they are using this upgraded surveillance to catch more in the act and to criminalize without a  fair trial. Well this is my theory anyway.  The amalgamation of all the police forces into one, Police Scotland, is to aid in the confusion and also it is no secret of the Mason connection within the police ranks. The service is totally corrupt, and will continue to become more so. Nobody here is very awake. Social engineering has been done here at an alarming rate, but at the same time quite subtly and gradually.

In Glasgow, the two main football teams are Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers. Catholic and Protestant teams. One holds their allegiance to  the Republic of Ireland, as the roots are from Irish migrators, the other,their allegiance is  to the Crown i.e. the Union,  Collectively they show no allegiance to Scotland despite being born and bred here. 

As for waste management, recycling is a good idea, but most councils here have adopted a system requiring a number of different bins, for different items, and the collection service has been reduced to fortnightly instead of weekly collections.  Apparently these guidelines come from Europe.

 I am sorry that some of your readers  did not enjoy their experience to Scotland. In towns and cities the traffic is a nightmare and the motorist is hit hard with taxes and fines for 'illegal' parking, speeding etc.  This is  all over UK and some European countries also.

Scotland although having it's own parliament, is still controlled in many matters from London, by a coalition govt, nobody here voted for.
Scottish independence is an illusion.  I'm not sure if the fate has been decided already, or whether the vote for independence will actually be decided by the population. Personally I feel that if the yes vote wins,  Scotland will become a tax haven for corps and even more of a police state. Although to be honest the police state is inevitable whatever the outcome. Also Scotland will keep the monarch as HOS. Thus not really gaining any sort of independence from the Crown.

In most towns and cities, dwellings do all have central heating that are run with a gas boiler. And for safety reasons not just anyone can fix or regulate them. Most people have a boiler insurance protection and engineers respond to call outs pretty effectively. However in rural areas, there are increasing numbers of dwellings that have a wood burner stove.  I believe however that following suit of the US eventually these will be outlawed, or try to be. 

Society in general the world over is degenerating. It is all part of the plan. Scotland is not exempt from this. The world is corrupt, and is on it's knees. People need to wake up and understand the world we really live in (or try to!) But many of them won't. Many of them can't. It is frustrating to see the ignorance that seems to blanket so many. Glaswegians  in particular are akin to the Londoner who thinks there's nothing past the Watford gap. The live and breathe the city.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " Scots Feel Oppressed by Government "

HS (Cabal Times) said (December 2, 2013):

I couldn’t help smiling when reading the article on Scotland. Regardless of how proud they may be, they ceased being free people when they became part of Britain. Few countries in the world have the distinction of being what Britain is. To give you an example, the Indian subcontinent was conquered and ruled by several different nations and races over the course of several centuries. Yet things were relatively prosperous. When a sea route to India was discovered, the British invited themselves to what was one of the most prosperous and booming economies of its time (The Mughal Empire). But within a century and a half, turned it into a destitute importer of British goods and a grower of opium. They then left behind two nations who feed on mutual hatred. How did the British accomplish this devastation? Not through weapons, technology, intelligence, industry or capital. The Illuminati East India company specialized in conspiracy, and their conspiracies were far too malevolent than anything the locals of the subcontinent could keep up with. It could be summed up that the major net export to Britain to the rest of the world is not industrial goods, electronics, cars, or services (in fact they suck in all of these) but conspiracy.

The people of the British Isles were allowed some spoils of conspiracy when their blood and effort was needed... But with a New World Order almost completed, there is no point in sharing anything with them. What did they expect? And it makes sense that they find themselves competing alongside thieving Roma for the pig trough. But even the Roma have a working patriarchy, which they don’t. This is symptomatic of conquered people being in denial.

Micky said (December 2, 2013):

The annual MOT car test is strict but you can take your car to a garage a month before the MOT runs out so if the car fails you have a month to get it repaired and my car is 15 years old so you can run old cars as long as they are kept road worthy.

As for the bins there maybe a few over zealous council staff who enforce the rules to the letter but I have never saw anybody check the bins,our food waste is collected weekly it is kept in a small bin outside and we get a small caddy with free biodegradable bags to put the waste in so we do not have rotting stinky food lying about and just for the record our food waste goes to a local farm where it is made into compost.

Yes we do need a corgi registered engineer to repair our boilers but when dealing with gas this is only right as you don't want some numpty blowing up the whole street.

Things are bad we do have a lot of immigrants but how many Scots are living outside Scotland? It's a two way street and as for independence I will be voting for it oil or no oil,and our local pond has a thriving colony of ducks.

There are issues with big brother, a wrecked economy,robbing banksters, pollution,corruption,crime but please don't publish articles that are not accurate. Things are bad but not that bad yet.

Alan said (December 2, 2013):

There are some wild exaggerations in the SCOTLAND piece. An MOT is required everywhere in Europe as far as I know and you are usually given a few weeks to carry out the repairs required depending on their urgency.

Cheap train tickets are available for those who book in advance and especially if they travel off peak. If you book last minute and travel
peak time then you must expect to pay top prices. Flying has become very cheap in many cases. Again if you book in advance and are flexible it is much cheaper than booking late and traveling at peak times. This applies all over Europe.

As for Scotland leaving the UK. Well the SNP is a socialist party and very, very enthusiastic about being part ot the EU. So how they think they will be independent I really dont know.

Incidentally polls show that a majority of English people would like Scotland to leave the UK but that only about a third of Scots want to leave.

JV said (December 2, 2013):

On the day of the National Scotland celebration "St Andrews Day, a celebration of Scottish culture and heritage", a cop helicopter crashes into a pub, hogging all the coverage for days to come. Media is about juxtaposing images to cause a propaganda effect, hence the effect printed into the public mind is: St Andrews Day - Horror and death"

Adrian said (December 2, 2013):

For several decades England has been a Cattle Control Experiment. The culture and spirit of those who defended the country in the Second World War is completely erased. Global elite consider the experiment successful and are applying the same techniques to the rest
of the UK and the wider world. If Cattle Control is perfected on the English, then it can most likely be effective anywhere.

Anyone visiting the country will be struck by the all pervasive political correctness, especially "Health and Safety".

I recall during my last visit 10 years ago, that surveillance cameras are even present in the middle of the countryside (Derbyshire) with only
sheep and mountains around. There were more "safety" staff in the municipal swimming pool than swimmers. There were 1.2 m steel barriers
all around the pool preventing even a fleeting experience of human joy with a splash.

Sorry to say that the narcotic effect of Television and Social Media mean that humanity is now locked into this for the foreseeable future.

I am sad to hear of Scotland's destruction.

Steven said (December 2, 2013):

The real problem is that the governments , media and powers that be in north America and much of Europe are anti christian, anti heterosexual and anti white. They got to go!

Dan said (December 1, 2013):

It's not just Scotland. The UK is basically a minimum security prison without the iron bars. You're free to go to work, or be on the dole, but you're not allowed to do anything to help yourself without going through bureaucratic middle men.

I heavily urge everyone to watch this scene from "Brazil", a parody of Nineteen Eighty Four.

'Central Services Pays a Visit'

Cecil said (December 1, 2013):

I went to the British Isles this summer for a month, and did not enjoy what I saw.

White Genocide is being attempted clear as day across Britain. Ghettos everywhere, it was hard to find white people in the majority in a lot of areas. Tha's Genocide. Period.

I did not go to England, Scotland and Ireland to see PAkistanis, Nigerians and Chinese roaming the streets.

There is a level of depression and ugliness to everything. There is a subtle despondency to the people.

I was surprised to see that we in Canada (at least for now) have a much higher standard of living. Stores are better stocked with more variety, prices are more reasonable, selection is better, crowding is less (GTA excepted)

This is what mass immigration does. Government regulation and taxation of everything--why work-- just be a PARASITE (in action and mentality).

Tourists might not notice this, but I did. Everything is so PC, you can see the stereotyped reactions on TV. Everybody is trying to flash their PC credentials-- it sounds so incredibly fake.

Besides a few historical sites, I was not impressed with the country. And I don't know if I will go back, maybe, but I wasn't amazed by the experience.

And Canada is in the same predicament----get the PARASITES OUT!!!!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at