She-Males Accuse Lesbians of "Transphobia"
September 25, 2013

Lesbians regard transgendered males as female impersonators and
won't let them come to their conferences or have sex with them.
"Trouble in Transgenderland"
by Reality - Publication of Real Women of Canada (Sept.)
Feminists and lesbians have been shocked and dismayed by the intrusion into their "space" by transgendered males.
Those promoting protection for transgenders would have us believe that, if only those who reject their natural sex were legally recognized, they would lead fully satisfying and fulfilling lives.
That is, once churches, hospitals, schools and clinics plus all public locker rooms and restrooms were required to protect those trying to change their gender, with fines for anyone who dares to be so foolhardy as to make even a negative comment about them or create a "distinction" regarding cross-dressers, etc., transgenders would then be content.
But maybe not. There appears to be some trouble in transgender land. The trouble is that lesbians don't regard transgendered males as truly women and refuse to have sex with them.
Lesbians take offense, claiming that transgendered males are trying to force themselves on them.They regard transgendered males as female impersonators. The horror of it!
Transgenders, in turn, view lesbians as downright discriminatory just because they may still, in some case, have retained their male genitals.
Planned Parenthood of Toronto, ever willing to encourage sexual activity wherever and with whomever, held a seminar in Toronto on March 12, 2012, open only to transgendered males.
The purpose of the seminar was to help these transgendering individuals deal with the problem of lesbians refusing to have sex with them.The seminar was called,"The Cotton Ceiling", the cotton referring to lesbians' customary wearing of cotton underwear.
Feminists have been shocked and dismayed by the intrusion into their "space" by transgendered males, whether in lesbian bars, record companies, spas, festivals and book stores. They regard this as the ultimate in male power-tripping.
Consequently, in Toronto, July 5 to 7, 2013, a feminist group, Radfem Rise Up! organized a three day conference for "womyn-born womyn" at which, according to the transgendered males, there was prominently featured, a number of transphobic speakers.
In response, the transgenders inundated the feminist group's twitter account with adverse comments and planned a physical protest as well. The protest was thwarted by the conference moving to a secret location only hours before it was scheduled to start.

Ms. DiNovo declared that same-sex gatherings [i.e. women only, men only] were illegal under Toby's Act and she appealed to the Ontario Human Rights Commission to back up her position legally.
If successful, her interpretation of the Act means that any assembly of females, on whatever subject, such as reproductive rights meetings, Islamic faith gatherings, or lesbian support groups, etc. will be prohibited under her bill. This would also apply to any assembly of males, as well.
Somehow one can believe that this was an unintended consequence of the Act!
The Ontario Human Rights Commission's response to Ms. DiNovo's complaint was that it was currently "monitoring" the situation, but that the Commission didn't have a definitive legal position at present since it was still in the process of defining its policy on "gender identity".
Will the Commission untie this "Gordian Knot" by the application of common sense?
Naw! As specialists in "hurt feelings", "distress", "alarm", "insults" and "toxic environments", they wouldn't know how to do it.
First Comment from Dee:
This past Saturday I attended an event at the Graduate Student Union Building on the campus of that bastion of liberal thought, the University of Toronto. Our event was on the top floor, where there was only one unisex washroom; downstairs were the main washrooms, men's and women's, each with multiple stalls.
When our event was over, naturally there was a lineup for the one toilet upstairs, and so we made a dash for the larger washroom in the basement, rather than wait in distress. Arriving at the door, we were confronted by a rather burly but somewhat effeminate man wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt, who very politely asked us to please use the bathroom upstairs.
We asked him what was going on, was it being cleaned? was there a flood? Oh no, he said:
"There's a transgender performer getting dressed for his act in there, and he needs the space to get ready..." So there were four women with full bladders, being kept out of the ladies' room because a guy was dressing in drag in the bathroom!
We declared it all nonsense, which it was, and left in a righteous huff.
The legislation that allows transgendered/transsexuals use the washroom of their chosen gender was not intended to discriminate against straight people, was it? If not, the U of T has allowed an overt act of discrimination against real women who dress like women, banning them from their own washroom in favor of one transgendered male. Or is it suddenly perfectly acceptable for us women to enter the men's washrooms, while the trannies take over our own?
Those Ontario Human Rights Commissioners better take note of that little problem: give'em an inch....
Comment From Richard:
Here's how it's being done in cities and countries mainly under the NATO umbrella. Take Houston for example, a city with a larger gay demographic than the national average. The first openly gay lesbian mayor of a major US city took office there in 2010. During the campaign she vowed not to push gay marriage because it is a 'national issue'. (which it's not). She kept the promise - technically - but that didn't stop her from making her inauguration look like a wedding with her dike 'wife'. The held hands while Parker was sworn in, and lip locked like Madonna and Britney Spears at the end.
She was inaugurated by Joel Osteen - the multimillionaire televangelist whom many Southern Baptists think is a Christian. [1]
One of her first acts as mayor was to tag on transsexuals to a city ordinance banning racial discrimination of public bathrooms. By LGBT logic, banning shemales from women's bathrooms is the same thing as banning blacks from white bathrooms. It was quite controversial but of course the Houston TV and radio stations and papers suppressed the true public reaction and showered praise on the mayor as if she'd just liberated Auschwitz.
Mayor Parker represents that peculiar, top down 'Gay Elite' which are not to be confused with the so-called 2nd and 3rd wave soldier-feminists, but part of the Illuminati power establishment.
To understand why and how the gay elite both spawn and 'eat their young', study the history of the Bolshevik Revolution. I don't recall the feminists ever asking to be included in the 'struggle' of chicks with dicks to use women's bathrooms. "where's the urinals, honey?" Or, "leave the damn seat up next time, sissy boi!"
[1] Joel Osteen Prays over Inauguration of Lesbian Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker
Leticia said (September 27, 2013):
In regards to Cheri DiNovo pushing to make it illegal for same-sex gatherings. If a group of women rape survivors were to meet in Toronto to discuss emotional health after rape, according to DiNovo; they would be breaking the law for not inviting men. How ludicrous!