Smoking Gun! Predators Draft "Sex Education"
September 27, 2013

This is more evidence that a Masonic (Cabalist Jewish) satanic sex cult controls society using liberal and "progressive" groups as fronts. He was a professor at the University of Toronto; his brother is Registrar and another is Canadian ambassador to Cuba.
by Reality (Real Women of Canada, September Ed.)
FROM 2004 to 2009, Ben Levin served as Deputy Minister of Education of Ontario under the lesbian Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne, who is currently the Liberal Premier of the Province.
During Levin's time as Deputy Minister, a new sex education curriculum, called the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (EIES), was developed. According to this curriculum, 6-year-olds were to be taught "gender identity" in grade 1, sex orientation and different genders in grade 3, masturbation in grade 6, and oral and anal sex by grade 7.
In a letter, dated April 6, 2009, Mr. Levin stated, "Today, the ministry released its new equity and inclusive education strategy paper, realizing the Promise of Diversity... This province-wide strategy has been a priority for our Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne and me."

This program was introduced in September, 2010. Horrified parents raised such a storm of protest, that the then Premier, Dalton McGuinty, was forced to withdraw the program after two days. Undaunted by this rejection, Premier Wynne, who succeeded McGuinty, announced in January, 2013, that she planned to bring back this controversial sex education program.
In June, 2013, Mr. Levin published an article in the Literary Review of Canada, in which he criticized the provincial requirement that all adults working with children be required to undergo criminal record checks. He claimed that this was a barrier to partnerships between the schools and the communities.
Mr. Levin was so highly thought of by Premier Wynne that she appointed him a member of her transition team in January, 2013. He also sat proudly in a privileged front row spot next to Ms.Wynne, federal Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau, and Bob Rae, at Toronto's Gay Parade in June, 2013.
Mr. Levin has now been charged with two counts of distributing child pornography, one count each of making child pornography, counseling to commit an indictable offense, and agreeing to or arranging for an indictable offense against a child under 16 years of age.
Two further charges were also levied against him for possessing and accessing child pornography.
It was not by mere chance that Mr. Levin, in his position as Deputy Minister of Education, was promoting the horrendous, early sex education program for children. There is a purpose behind it. By sexualizing children before they are ready-- psychologically, emotionally and physically--children may begin to engage in early sex activity, believing that such sexual activity is normal, acceptable and expected of them.
This makes them both vulnerable and an easy prey for sexual predators. That is, children learn from this curriculum that sexual behavior, both deviant and otherwise, can be carried out without regret, concern or reservation at any time, by anyone, with anyone.
It was only the common sense and intuition of concerned parents in Ontario that stopped this sex curriculum from being implemented. Former Deputy Minister of Education Levin is obviously Premier Wynne's good and trusted friend. It seems they share the same values. One wonders, however, whether Ms. Wynne will now dare to implement her sex curriculum program with a provincial election looming and Mr. Levin's inconvenient arrest.
Related - Ezra Levant - Child Pornographer Drafted Ontario Sex Ed
--------- Makow - Who's the Bully? Manitoba Forces Homosexuality on Children?
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-----------Makow - Canada Anxious to Bury Porn Judge Scandal
First Comment from Dave:
And we all do need a reminder, constantly.

And he raped and killed women as well as broke into about 80 other homes just to sniff and grab panties. To make matters even more ridiculous, Williams went to university at the U of T Scarborough campus with Paul Bernardo and they knew each other well. Allegedly well enough to conduct rape contests.
So one has to question, with all the surveillance that has been going on for years, at least back to Martin Luther King, why didn't CSIS know what Russell Williams was? The fact that CSIS didn't know (or didn't tell) what was going on is a case of either gross negligence, stupidity, incompetence or a deliberate attempt to assist putting someone in a position of power that could be easily controlled through blackmail, or all of the above. Obviously, this would be considered circumstantial evidence based on a cause-effect scenario, but to be honest CSIS knows more about me and my offshore dealings in South Africa in the 80's than they do about Russell Williams in their own backyard in the 80's. I've got a letter from CSIS during my FOIA requests on myself that indicate 9 national security statutes/reasons why CSIS won't tell me about me. What's wrong with this picture???

Suffice it to say that nothing is what it seems, trust no one in government or business and as my CO used to say, "Perfect Paranoia is Perfect Awareness."
Related - Makow - Canadian Serial Killler Linked to Elite Satanists?
Doug P said (September 28, 2013):
Nothing should surprise anyone about the Canadian establishment. Most people just live in a bubble and have no idea - they think we are like the USA.