Psychological Coercion, Illuminati Style
July 9, 2013

If you protect your own identity -- sexual, national, racial or whatever -- you're "a bigot." The real agenda, of course, is to destroy our institutions and destabilize society.
Here, Michael Hoffman describes the psychological coercion that has
made Americans forfeit their national traditions, values and interests.
"In a little more than 50-years the golem-goyim of America have permitted the surrender of our nation to those who make a love canal out of the sewer of the human body."
(See response from Aloysius Fozdyke below)

(abridged by
A common misconception has it that the word goyim denotes cattle. Goyim denotes ger, "the other," the "foreigner," the "stranger;" there is nothing bovine about it.
Golem is another story, however. The golem is a zombie created by a rabbi destined to serve and then be destroyed by him. The golem element among the American goyim has arisen through the bestialization of white American gentiles to the level of golem. As long as he has food, shelter and sex, a beast will tolerate most anything.
Three thousand years of Western teaching against sodomy has been swept away in the past ten years. "Homophobia" is now a hate crime throughout the West, with exception of Russia, where legislation forbidding homosexual propaganda was passed by their parliament by a vote of 436-0. (Memo to Russians: Pray for the conversion of America.) The sodomite tyranny is imposed mostly by judicial fiat, which is the Talmudic method of legislation.
It isn't only the shocking nature of the changes imposed by the revolution, it is the speed by which three millennia of Western Christian civilization have been swept away since the rise of the sodomite-imposed rights movement in the 1960's. In a little more than 50-years the golem-goyim of America have permitted the surrender of our nation to those who make a love canal out of the sewer of the human body.

This process does not entail compromise or give-and-take. While it is true that the revolutionaries may at times take one step backwards in order to advance two steps forward, as in the Clinton era's "Don't ask; don't tell" policy on sodomites in the military, which bore only the appearance of compromise. It was actually an incremental step toward what the sodomites achieved a few years later with full acceptance of rectal sex in the military and "marriage" at military chapels.

The representatives of the civilization that bequeathed to us the rights we once enjoyed and the rule of law that formerly protected those rights, including the property right to refuse to employ, accommodate or house those who deeply offend our beliefs, are now charged with "intransigent extremism." Meanwhile the intransigent extremism of sodomite supremacy and the national suicide of amnesty for an illegal alien invasion are alchemicalized into the apotheosis of kindness and reason.
This is a short excerpt from an article, Golem-Goyem about to give it all away with Amnesty to Illegal Aliens, in the May-June issue of Revisionist History, available by subscription only.
Michael Hoffman has unmasked Judaism in his books Judaism Discovered and Judaism's Strange Gods.
First Comment from Aloysius Fozdyke
Doug said (July 10, 2013):
I've been saying the financial oligarchy has been making monkeys out of our attorneys, politicians and judges for years. I've always believed that these people would only be around for as long as they are needed but I never heard the term "golem" before. I've just never believed in honor among thieves.
Thanks for a wonderfully informative essay.