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Libya: Mossad, Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO's Dirty Work

July 1, 2013

rebels.jpgJo Anne and Jimmy Moriarty were working in Libya at the time of the invasion:

"We have a copy of an agreement between the would-be rebels and the Mossad. The agreement states that Israel will provide arms and training to the rebels until they take over the country and in return for that Israel will get to put a military base in the Green Mountain area of Libya."

Syria is a replay of Libya with Al Queda again serving as proxy for  the Illuminati bankers ("NATO" Israel).

In Syria,
Hezbollah is playing for the other side.  Meanwhile,  "Al Ciada" is still the "enemy" in Pakistan and Iraq.

 War is theater. The same actors play different roles in each conflict.  The world is ruled by a crime syndicate using corrupt politicians and a lying media.

by JoAnne and Jimmy Moriarty

We were doing business in Libya since 2007 January. We make a unique enzyme that rejuvenates oil wells and cleans up sludge pits, cleans out pipelines and tanks and does a lot of neat things to oil.  We had booked a huge amount of business in Libya from 2007 to 2011: $5 billion dollars worth of our product to be more exact.   We had signed a JV with the Social Security Investment Fund of Janzour near Tripoli, Libya.  We were  beginning to build a production facility to fulfill these contracts for our enzyme when the so called Libyan revolution began in February of 2011.

The Libyan people were not in any way extremists Muslims.  Ghadafi banned the Ayatolla Komeni's statements  talking about killing infidels. For this there was a fatwa or death order put on Ghadafi for over 20 years by the radical extremists Muslims.  All religions with a book were allowed in Libya. 

LIBWOMEN.jpgWomen were emancipated in the 1970's by Ghadafi.  No special clothing were required and all women were highly educated if they choose to be.  They were doctors, lawyers, ministers, business owners, or just housewives, whatever they decided.  Libya used only about ½ of all the oil revenue that it took in and they shared this revenue with their 5.5 million population.  All medical care was free. If you could not get the care you needed in Libya then you could travel wherever you needed with a family member and all costs and expenses were fully paid. 

Education was free and if you wanted to go abroad to another University that was paid in full with a stipend.  When a Libyan couple got married they received a $46,000 gift from the government to start their lives.  Their first home, a 2500 sq foot condominium cost 10% of their salary for 20 years and then it was theirs.  Gasoline was 44 cents a gallon; all utilities were free.  If you were hungry and had no money, they had huge stores of food where you could get rice, milk, cheese, flour and money to buy meat.  The average salary in Libya was the highest in Africa, higher than China or India at $15,800 a year. If you had a college education and could not find a job, you received that money until you found a job.

The Libyan people were happy; there was no tax, only businesses had some tax but it was minimal. The government shared the wealth of Libya with its people, there was no taxing of the people to support the state.  There was no reason for a revolution, there were some disgruntled radical Islamists who had tried to enforce Sharia law and radical Islam upon Libya to no avail because they only made up about 3 to 5%.  These are the people NATO and the US joined hands with to take over Libya.


In May 2011, we traveled to Tripoli on an NGO Fact Finding Commission.    We spent a lot of time with the Tribes of Libya learning about the truths of Libya and their government.  We also were witness to huge war crimes committed by NATO upon the innocent people of Libya. Because there was no popular support for this so called revolution in Libya, it was necessary for NATO, the US, UK, France, UN, Qatar and Israel to funnel in thousand of Al Qaeda mercenaries into Libya. We are witnesses to the hoards of terrorists, that were armed, funded and trained by the aforementioned group. We have a copy of an agreement between the would be rebels and the Moussad. The agreement states that Israel will provide arms and training to the rebels until they take over the country and in return for that Israel will get to put a military base in the green mountain area of Libya.

The war against Libya had been planned for a long time.  Dennis Kucinich has documents that showed that there were war games in the Mediterranean with the French, UK and US against a mythical North Africa oil rich dictator nation.  This was supposed to start on the 21st of February.  The war actually started on the 17th of February. 

glddinar.jpgThe main reason for the destruction of Libya was the gold backed currency for the continent of Africa called the Dinar.  Ghadafi had planned the African Bank and was leading Africa to freedom from the paper bankers, the imperialists that controlled the poor countries and their assets.  This gold-backed currency would have destroyed the paper bankers whose money is backed by nothing.  Those paper bankers, the FED and the EURO owned by the Rothschild group would have been destroyed.  For this reason Ghadafi had to not only fall from power but he had to die.  If he had gone into exile, his mouth would still work. 

The second reason for the Libyan war was AFRICOM, the US military control of Africa.  Libya was the strongest country in Africa and refused to ever let the US take military control over them.

The third reason was the lawsuit that had been filed by Ghadafi (Libya) against all the Western European nations for all the broken treaties and all the atrocities committed in Africa over hundreds of years by the Western Europeans and the loss of revenue caused by the embargo against Libya for 30+ years.  It should be noted that Libya was not guilty of the Lockerbie bombing as proven by a CIA whistleblower   This law suit was for $7 + trillion dollars and it had legs.  Western Europe could ill afford this kind of debt so they happily joined in the destruction of the sovereign nation of Libya


On the 21st of August, NATO decided that they had waited long enough for the Libyan people to get behind their coup d'état so they forcibly took Tripoli.  We were a big hotel near the seaport and we saw NATO bring in their Apache helicopters and mow down the innocent people in the streets. In the first hour of NATO's takeover of Tripoli, 1300 people were killed in the streets and 5000 wounded.  NATO also ran bombing raids, used big guns mounted on small pickup trucks.  The bombing and killing went on all night and for the next three nights. 

Next shiploads of Al Qaeda rebels flowed into the Tripoli port from Benghazi and unloaded on the roads around Tripoli.  All of the people were bearded and carried AK-47's.  As they rode around Tripoli in their caravans, they began to set up check points every 500 yards or so.  They looted every store and every home they could get into; they broke into every vehicle and stole everything that they wanted.  They took over hotels and set up torture centers....
We could not find the ship. After some hours of up and down the coast it was now dark. Guns were being fired everywhere, Al Qaeda bearded types roamed the streets.  We did not know it but the rebels had fired on the ship and it was 3 miles out in the Mediterranean.  Our last trip to the pier was our downfall. 

We were suddenly surrounded by a group of small pickup trucks and out climbed a bunch of Al Qaeda with their guns pointed at us and they said "your game is up". They took us at gunpoint to their torture center which had been the Radisson Hotel.  They took all of our belongings and our passports.  They interrogated us and filmed it using a British film crew.  We could hear the men being tortured but we could do nothing.

 Finally after many hours and it was now daylight, they said we were going to be allowed to go. Right before that a big fat Sheik with a long beard came in and look down his nose and said something in Arabic at us.  The driver to our van had been changed to a man we knew from the hotel and we said we wanted to go to the rescue ship now, he said this van is going back to the hotel, we argued with him but he pulled us aside and said "What you did not understand that Sheik say was: "When they go to the rescue ship, kill them, chop them up and burn the bodies and blame in on Ghadafi".  We decided to go back to the hotel.  We had to pay all of our last money to the mercenaries so that they would let us go. They were paid $2500 for each person they killed and $1000 to burn the bodies.  That took all of our money.  We knew that we were on their list and we knew why, a US attorney, double spy working for Hesbollah had put all of our names on a list and sent it to them.

[Connection to Mauritanian President frees them.]


After we arrived back in Texas, Jimmy was taken by the FBI at the Houston Airport passport check center. I was allowed to pass through and I was the one with the 200 GB of proof, interviews, videos, photos, testimonies, etc. He was interrogated for 3 hours; we were to learn at a later time that we were targeted by our government at that time. Our crime was that we were witnesses to the war crimes and genocides that were committed in Libya by the NATO gang.  As targeted Individuals all attempts to obtain gainful employment or restart our business that was blown up in Libya has been thwarted.

After NATO handed Libya over to Al Qaeda, many Libyans were imprisoned, tortured and killed.  Many of them left so that they could survive.  There are now 2 million in exile.  We are very close to the Tribes of Libya; we speak with the tribal leaders in exile now almost every day.  They have appointed us as their official spokespersons.  We have been attempting to make it known to our Congress that they were completely wrong footed in Libya and that we basically had handed Libya, a peaceful Muslim country, over to Al Qaeda. No one was interested.

The tribal leaders began to pass intelligence regarding the internal movement of Al Qaeda inside Libya, we started passing this information to Dr. Jerome Corsi who was more than willing to report the truth.  We were then contacted by US intelligence (4 different divisions)  We have had 3 different divisions of the US intelligence in our home, getting intelligence from our tribal leaders.  But we have discovered that they have no intention of doing anything with the information and the intel was being used to warn Al Qaeda not stop it, so we stopped passing the information. 

One of the intelligence people was a lady; she called us after she left and told us that if we ever wanted a life we needed to shut up about Libya and that they (the government) had done a "soft" attack on us (ruined our life and finances) and that we were lucky because they could have chosen to do a "terminal" attack on us.

We have been literally destroyed, but we have decided to open our mouths and not shut them.  We realize the only way to protect ourselves is by getting our story out to the most people possible.  We will be homeless next month as we have no more assets to sell and cannot pay our expenses.  We are hoping to start giving presentations and sharing our story with paid honorariums; in that process we will hope to find good people who might like to hire two very production, intelligent and talented people. But, we will not stop telling our story.
---- See the Moriarty's Video on Libya HERE
Note on Hezbollah Support of Libyan Rebels -  "It is a real strange occurrence in Libya but Hezbollah was fighting with the al Qaeda rebels in Libya - it had to do with money being paid.  We got this directly from one of the top security officials in Libya.  We were shocked too, but then Franklin Lamb (the double spy) who lives next door to the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon and is a complete worthless and ruthless human being (he is the one who gave Al Qaeda our names) confirmed to us that Hezbollah was there in Libya in Misurata area fighting with the Al Qaeda rebels.  So we had it confirmed from 2 sources - a conundrum to us too."
Related - Rasta Song Celebrates Ghaddafi -
---------   Zionists Use Divide and Conquer in North Africa -
--------  Masonic Jewish Subversion - Algeria -
----------Ivory Coast - Freemasons Key to Imperialist Control -

First Comment from Dan:

Gaddafi's gold currency plan was his gambit for aligning a pan-African union unobligated to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  For anyone whose come in late, the IMF is the Globalist cabal's protection racket that enslaves the nations to exponential (usurious) debt.   Gaddafi's efforts had always annoyed the banksters, but I don't think that was the reason they smashed Libya after all those years.  Gaddafi's pan-Africa plan still had a long way to go.

Lots of countries have oil or gold, but Libya has something far more precious than either oil or gold to the nations of the Middle East. Water - under the sand is the greatest underground aquifer in the region.   Gaddafi developed his "Great Man-Made River" project using oil drilling technology to tap a sea of water under the dry hot rock and sand.  The unexpected water reserve surprised the banksters, and they determined to seize it.   The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea in Israel have been drying up at an alarming rate.  Israel's running out of water.

The IMF's Middle East enforcers, Israel and the NATO,  will get their military base in Libya,  and Israeli-connected contractors will end up controlling the water operation lock, stock and barrel. Then they can extort Egypt and other Arab states by controlling the water supply.   They don't care if the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Queda is running those countries because they plan to always have the upper hand over them through control of water and food, and exponential debt.

Mubarak's own New Valley River or Toshka project would have freed Egypt from dependency on foreign wheat - which the banksters control.  Thanks to the 'democracy' brought in by Arab Spring, work on it stopped.  Aside from chaos and instability that will plague Egypt with no end in sight, The Muslim Brotherhood actually opposes the project!  What does that tell us?

Libya: water emerges as hidden weapon

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Libya: Mossad, Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO's Dirty Work "

Doug said (July 3, 2013):

I do not believe that any country could run out of water and that water will be a reason for any of this. I researched this ten years ago and found that the price of desalinating a cubic meter of water - 1000 liters is about 65 cents and I got this information from the UN website. If it costs that much according to the UN then all the costs associated with graft and corruption normally associated with the UN is built into that figure. In reality the cost could be much lower. This is the small scale cost as well. Israel is a coastal country - they stole almost all of the Palastinian coastline- lots of places to choose sites for desalinization plants.

Compare that with the cost of one bombing mission or one cluster bomb or the cost of a single inside job - to pay off all the people involved.

No doubt Western governments committed this atrocity, I just have trouble believing the motivation is about water for Israel - how about a Legal system for Libya so the (new and corrupted) powers-that-be can escape and subvert the law.

Salman said (July 2, 2013):

It's very important to know that Gaddafi's government was tied to the disappearance of one of the top clerics/philosophers/theologians of Shi'a Islam - Imam Musa Al-Sadr

Considering the fact that the Shi'a have a hierarchy in their religious political system - where the plebs have to pay almost blind obedience to their leaders (sorta like the pope does to Catholicism), and some Imams and religious leaders/mullahs are considered infallible - his killing or suspected killing by Libya's gov would be analogous to Anglo-Saxon Protestants being suspected of disappearing the Pope or some important Cardinal and then ignoring pleas by the Vatican to investigate the matter.

That's the real reason why Hezbollah helped get rid of Gaddafi - plus he was strongly both anti-Shi'a AND anti-Salafi as well.

Hope this helps

Marcus said (July 2, 2013):

The list of things Gaddafi had been doing a few years before they killed him is so long it's hard to pick one reason that signed his death warrant. Almost nobody heard about it over here, but the African nations - places like Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Kenya etc. wanted to chip in for Africa to have it's own communications satellite. But they didn't have the money. They went with hat in hand to the IMF, and were turned down. It wouldn't help their interests - THEY must control communications in Africa. Gaddafi stepped in and paid for it in 2007.

Another reason they decided to finally kill Gaddafi may have been the fact that the direct distribution of national oil profits to the public started in 2009.
Gaddafi had learned that the government bureaucracy set up to distribute dividends enabled corruption. By simply cutting citizens a check directly, he cut out the 'middle men', plus eliminated the expense of the bureaucracy. To my knowledge such a policy of direct distribution of dividends of a national resource has never actually been done by anyone else in history.

The Globalists tried one last time to bring Gaddafi into the gang by entertaining him in New York, letting him go on Larry King, and Hillary entertained his son in DC. They even gave him the floor at the UN to speak for the African Union. They even let him address the UN.

Brother Leader used the international podium to rant for an hour and a half against the NWO, speaking openly oh how the UN Security Council is controlled by the Superpowers. I'd bet dollars to donuts the meeting in which they decided to pull the plug on him happened that very night.

Richard said (July 2, 2013):

You're a good man for posting the Moriarty's article. For most American's Libya's already gone down the memory hole. A long time ago, the American public had a heart.

Now they don't have the backbone to protect their own children from a government gone gay, much less feel human empathy for the children whose futures have been ruined by a homicidal State Department. When the Libyans obviously rallied around Gaddafi, Americans were busy watching 'Dancing with the Stars' to notice that now 'we' are the ones backing 'Al Queda'. What have we been saying since 911?

Andrew said (July 1, 2013):

JoAnne, Jimmy Moriarty are like the blind Indians who felt different parts of the proverbial elephant and then described what the beast was like.

Not that anyone is particularly wrong, but we only perceive part of the beast.

I'm personally persuaded by all the particulars of JoAnne and Jimmy Moriarty's fine essay.

Held my attention and gave me lots to think about.

The most depressing part was the observation about Hezbollah being aligned with Al-Qaeda in Lybia.

But now oppsing Al-Qaeda in Syria.

Terrorism must be just another staffing business.

JG said (July 1, 2013):

Interesting to note concerning Africa.
President Obama did not meet with the NWO poster child Nelson Mandela. Ill health was given as the reason but I wonder if that was the only reason. Has Mandela himself finally realized that he has been "duped" and is leaving a far worse South Africa than he had inherited?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at