Heavy Metal Fans Become PC Pussies
June 6, 2013

switches teams after 20-year-career. Fans say,
"You Go, Girl!"
One fan, Zachary Childe feels betrayed.
"Metal heads" were once testosterone-fueled "hard asses"
that never towed any line. Now, fear of a "hate crime"
has turned us into pussies."
by Zachary Childe
As a former fan of the now defunct heavy metal outfit Life of Agony, I write in disbelief and sadness. Life of Agony, a hardcore, heavy metal band that hailed from Brooklyn, NY was once lead by a baritone-voiced womanizer, Keith Caputo. The group had a 20-year run, and ended their last show not with a front-man, but a front-woman.

At first, he had indulged in a transvestite lifestyle, but he soon progressed deeper down the spiral.
Soon, he announced that he will have an operation to become a woman. In reality, that is a misnomer as she will never have menstruation or the ability to bear children. Mina even joked she will be keeping her penis, and I was only left to picture her (his) manhood wasting away in a formaldehyde jar. No , he didn't have it removed.
Sadly, the entire metal scene, which was once composed of masculine "macho" men, who could care less about being politically correct, are now on board with this tragic spectacle. Comments on metal sites all applaud her bravery and her choice "as long as he is happy." We are all definitely in a "brave new world" now. Tolerance is heralded, and TV conditioning is accepted without question.
"Metal heads" were once testosterone-fueled "hard asses" that never towed any line. The metal scene was once associated with "Rage Against the Machine," throw your middle finger up against the man, and blow smoke in the face of a cop. They never tolerated sissies, or even the yuppies who wore collar-shirts. Once upon a time, it was common to hear the word "faggot," in everyday use. Now, fear of a "hate crime" has made pussies of us all.

Heavy metal has always been connected to Satanism. From Ronnie James, left, of DIO's Baphomet horn sign, which he claimed ironically his Italian grandmother used to ward off evil, to the S&M leather-studded look of homosexual Judas Priest front-man Robert Halford, something sinister has definitely been brooding. The scene also promoted the effeminate long-hair look. Then, there is the Norway black metal bands convicted of murder and burning down churches. All of these escalating digressions were taken with an open mind, but it explains their capitulation to gender bending and the PC devil. [Gender bending is part of Satanism - reversing the healthy natural heterosexual design.- Makow]
As a lifelong fan, I cannot help but feeling sorry for Caputo. I do not see this as some sort of psychological operation orchestrated by the media. I believe this has its roots in a broken degenerate society, which appears to be by design. There is clearly some mental health issue(s) present. The media preaches acceptance, but why can´t men accept who they are before resorting to unnatural medical depravity.

"Talk about shocking! Keith Caputo, front man of legendary Brooklyn metal act Life Of Agony is on his way to being a front woman! The band will be playing what looks to be their final shows this weekend. There are many hints to his transition on his Twitter page, with one tweet spelling it out for everybody saying "M2F transexuals like me are the women who give up male privilege for femininity! Threaten the patriarchy!" Also, Caputo's personal website uses the pronoun "her."
While I am shocked, I also have to applaud Caputo for her bravery in going through with (planning) a massive procedure such as this, especially being the public figure that she is. Obviously, this isn't something she decided to do overnight and gave a lot of thought to. And while metal heads usually get stereotyped as immensely homophobic, there is a large sect that believes in the "do whatever makes you happy" motto of which Metal Injection fully subscribes to.
Update: Caputo recently confirmed via tweet that he is keeping his penis, which is officially the most random thing ever written on Metal Injection.
Also - Transgender Man Wins at Women's Wrestling

First Comment from Phil:
The lyrics on Life of Agony's first album deal with an absent father, and the second speculates about a mother who died when he was young.
Clearly this is a subject that Caputo was haunted by for many years, regardless of the genre he was a part of. LOA wasn't musically very "heavy" anyway, lots of bluesy hard rock in their style, no classical at all.
The article reads like it was written by someone who wasn't as much of a metal-head as they think.
Rage Against the Machine is NOT a prime example of a metal band. Further, I really have to clarify that very few metal musicians or fans are Satanists--much of the imagery's appeal comes from hyperactive adolescent energy finding excitement in rejecting the religion one was raised with, Christianity.
Zachary's mere grazing of Norwegian black metal by invoking the few church burnings shows ignorance of the real arc of what heavy metal was about: whereas some genres are all-embracing, show-up-and-get-a-trophy to its members, metal is all about challenging yourself and others. Who can play more notes the fastest?
Who can dial in the most crushing guitar tone? Etc. It's like a relay race of one-upmanship. And so you had scenes appear upping the ante--thrash in San Francisco, then death mteal in Tampa and Sweden, then black metal in Norway--all faster, heavier, more extreme.
The music was of prime importance--the lyircs and imagery had to keep pace. And believe me, these guys did not sing about their mommy and daddy!
On a final note, if anyone wanted to probe a very interesting figure in metal, they should read about Jon Nodveidt of Swedish black/death band Dissection.
On the surface he is the anti-heavy metal poster child (Satanism, murder, suicide), but he was a visionary musician and his intellectual path reads a bit deeper. He wasn't interested in fame like a glam rocker, and I look at his death in the light of a Japanese samurai who dies in the prime of strength--there is a personal intensity here not to be glossed over by stereotypes.
Mathias said (June 10, 2013):
Brody Dalle, lead singer of Spinnerette ex Distillers and partner of Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme tweeted a link that makes me think and believe theres hope for humanity. And it's even there in the subconscious of punk rock. (Btw theres a new documentary called the other F word - Fatherhood, a punk movie).
Some artists in the rock biz like Keith Caputo (Life of Agony) and Tom Gabel (Against Me) might break and surrender to the wicked gender indoctrination engineering but where true love shows up natural truth is always in bloom. Blood is thicker than water they say and somehow nothing else matters to see reality unmasked, this woman in the tweeted article from essentialmums opens her heart and pierces through whats wrong with nowadays rolemodel of a woman: