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Hang Em High for Treason!

April 6, 2013


It is time to build a gallows, and restore freedom and lawful leadership to this country.

by Keith Howe

Public Officials seem to think that they have become prison wardens, and citizens are their prisoners. It is far past time that we reel them in, clip their feathers, and put them in their place. For many of them, that place would be prison!

Upon taking public office, officials must swear an Oath on the Holy Bible to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, not the United Nations.

These traitors are breaking that oath in record numbers, and should be held criminally accountable. The penalty for breaking that oath should be no less than the penalty for perjury, for that is exactly what they have done in retrospect. Actually, the penalty should include treason against the United States and the Constitution, because this crime is against both, as well as "we, the people".

hang.jpgAll Bible believing Christians should pray for God to rebuke these liars and traitors, who have violated their solemn oaths with their right hand on His Bible, unless they repent immediately. May God bring them to total ruin in all their affairs, for He has warned them not to make an oath lightly, because He will hold them accountable for that oath! (James 5:12)

These traitors have robbed and bankrupted the United States and Wall Street. They have formulated false flag wars on terror and are war criminals for the multiple, illegal, invasions/occupations they have condoned around the world. They have systematically dismembered the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and are preparing a domestic army (Department of Homeland Security, aka Shutzstaffel, or S.S.) to murder, overthrow, and enslave the American people. They have purchased billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition, and thousands of armored personnel carriers, set up on concentration camps, and prepared vast amounts of multi-person coffins in planning to accomplish this treason.

jail.jpgIn addition, these lying, traitors have violated their oaths to God and man, by attacking our freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They are attempting to disarm America for their coming tyranny and "Day of Great Slaughter" to bring about their socialist, globalist, satanic, New World Order. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has armed Syrian rebels with her Benghazi gun-running scam, and Eric Holder has supplied Mexican drug runners with his gun-running "Operation Fast and Furious". Senator Dianne "Fascist" Feinstein negotiates illegal "no bid" weapons contracts with her husband's business, and no one goes to prison.

These same, fascist tyrants are also abusing the power of their office by attempting to make it economically impossible for people to own guns through registration fees, sales and transfer fees, mandatory insurance requirements for gun owners, etc. These sociopaths apparently can't grasp the concept of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" in the Second Amendment.

dees13.jpgSo far all America has had to say about all this is "thank-you sir, may I have another".

The United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." (

It is time to build a gallows, and restore freedom and lawful leadership to this country.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Hang Em High for Treason!"

Les said (April 7, 2013):

The importance the media has in perpetuating this corrupt and evil system by the scumbag bankers, can't be ignored. The crappy programming includes many cop shows, where the accused (supposedly innocent, till proven guilty) are always too willing to give up their fundamental right to remain silent, without counsel present, and confess all or at the very least engage in conversation with the authorities. If there is a lawyer present, they are presented as scum with questionable character. I see this as conditioning against resisting authority, or, at very least, intimidation.

Never give them any information that isn't absolutely necessary and refuse the temptation to respond to kind prompts that might be used against you, because, they will! You're given fair warning about speaking, I'd suggest you heed that warning. In this pseudo-society of the artificial, it's all about contract with little regard given for justice.

Les said (April 7, 2013):

The importance the media has in perpetuating this corrupt and evil system by the scumbag bankers, can't be ignored. The crappy programming includes many cop shows, where the accused (supposedly innocent, till proven guilty) are always too willing to give up their fundamental right to remain silent, without counsel present, and confess all or at the very least engage in conversation with the authorities. If there is a lawyer present, they are presented as scum with questionable character. I see this as conditioning against resisting authority, or, at very least, intimidation.

Never give them any information that isn't absolutely necessary and refuse the temptation to respond to kind prompts that might be used against you, because, they will! You're given fair warning about speaking, I'd suggest you heed that warning. In this pseudo-society of the artificial, it's all about contract with little regard given for justice.

William said (April 7, 2013):

Here here! Try ‘em and, if convicted, hang ‘em high! Need a lever puller? I’ll volunteer. Turn the weed smokers (I’m not one) loose and let’s get the real criminals at last. Biggest obstacle? The so-called media. They are now, and for a long time have been, openly an arm of Big Brother. First step, turn it off. Hopefully at some point we can try and punish these traitors as well. This leads to the point that Robert brings up; where does it end? Once begun this might just turn into a real bloodbath, so let’s at least make sure we start at the top with the bankers and politicians. Another point, I often feel as James writes that this is written in stone and won’t be stopped, but then again what if this isn’t the end? We at least have to try to overcome, laying down and surrendering to tyranny will only create a more bloodthirsty and rabid tyranny.

Do we organize and if so how? When do we start? Immediately!

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”—Mark Twain

Bill said (April 6, 2013):

This is the just and proper response to treason - public execution. Not private and hidden, like Osama bin Laden. Let the righteous citizens rejoice at the public cleansing. Let the world rejoice! Look how Iceland has turned around. It can and should happen here. Not only in the US, but in Canada and Mexico too - if they are willing.

Hollywood liberals will call us McCarthyites. So what? McCarthy was right. It's a huge undertaking. The cancer has spread into every cell of our body. But the alternative is death. So it's kill or be killed at this point.

I have thought about fleeing to a foreign land. "Get my ass and assets out." The only problem with that is, once America falls, the cancer will spread easily around the globe. The time for waiting is over. The time to act is here. Hang Em High for Treason!

James said (April 6, 2013):

This was all biblically prophesied to happen as you see it. you are not going to change a thing that you see the new world order doing. it says in the book of Matthew that all of these things must be, then shall the end come. we have been given signs to know what is going on. god is allowing this all to pan out, then the end comes. all you can do is come out from it & don't support it or take the coming mark that they will impose on us. keep yourself spiritually in the know. we will not see the America we grew up with. the end is here & this is their end game. scripture says: come out from among them & be separate. America is the end time Babylon. as in the days of Noah so too the end of all things.

Robert said (April 6, 2013):

The obvious problem with the proposal to hang adherents to betrayal in this man's country is that there are millions of them . The electoral and employment systems have morally compromised the majority of people. In these circumstances it is ironic that they still conceive of themselves as being free.

There is in modern super production societies a vast potential for the extension of personal freedom, but the failure to monetize this potential prevents it from being realized. Most of the time we are either spinning our wheels economically or actually losing ground. Yet, in a state of mesmerization, hardly anyone attempts to analyse the effects of the system of financial accountancy that the 'top feeders' have contrived and foisted on society as a whole.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at