Pounding the Holocaust Drum
April 7, 2013

Aggressors always pretend to be innocent victims, and pretend
the real victims are the aggressors. The holocaust perpetuates this meme.
It convinces the real victims, the goyim, that they are "bullies"
if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati's Jewish and Masonic fronts.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Monday April 8 is Holocaust Day. Ever wonder why Organized Jewry keeps pounding this drum?
They don't give a hoot about the holocaust or its victims. A recent survey of "holocaust survivors" in Israel shows that more than half live in poverty and think Israel is neglecting them. No surprise here. Zionists collaborated with the Nazis and sabotaged efforts to save Jewish lives.

The Illuminati designed the holocaust to justify the creation of Israel. Holocaust commemoration gives Organized Jewry moral and political immunity to complete the Illuminati agenda, a world police state.
The holocaust meme equates anyone who opposes the fascist New World Order with a "bully," a bigot, a Nazi mass murderer and a "hater."
In the eyes of the goyim, it gives Jews a moral sanctity as the world's preeminent victims. At the same time, it reminds Jews they can be victimized again unless they obey their Zionist leaders. You know it's a psy-op because it totally ignores the 60 million non-Jews who perished in WW2.
I am a Jew. My grandparents all died in the holocaust. My parents barely escaped by posing as Gentiles. Nevertheless, I can only make sense of history in the following way:
1. There is a Cabalist sect within Judaism who are Satanists (the Illuminati), who control the world from behind the scenes using financial leverage and Freemasonry. Their agenda is to enslave the human race, mentally if not physically. They use many Jews to advance this agenda and the holocaust gives these Jews immunity. They masquerade as Jews themselves but in fact they intermarry with generational satanists of different races.

3. Most Jews are not aware of this agenda and heatedly deny it exists. Their position is analogous to average citizens who support causes over which they have no understanding or control. For example, American taxpayers support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but had little say in their inception. Nevertheless, Jews should know their leadership has been waging a secret war against humanity from time immemorial and are close to victory. They have achieved this success at substantial cost to ordinary Jews, who doubtlessly also will be blamed for the NWO.
4. This secret war against humanity is the reason for Anti-Semitism. Organized Jewry has always attempted to undermine their host nations and religions and to take control. Throughout the feudal age, Organized Jewry aligned with the aristocracy to impoverish the masses. We are witnessing a neo feudalism. The Jewish masses were also impoverished and tyrannized by their religious and political leaders. Thus it was easy to manipulate them with specious appeals such as "Communism."
As in the West today, Organized Jewry has always taken a stranglehold over government, business and the mass media and used them to thwart and brainwash the indigenous populations. Of course they couldn't have succeeded without installing "our leaders," the traitor class of Gentile Freemasons.
4. World War Two, including Jewish persecution and mass murder was instigated by the Illuminati bankers to destroy the best of the goyim, discredit race and nation, and coerce Jews to support the establishment of Israel. The real holocaust was 60 million, not six.
5. Aggressors always pretend to be victims. The holocaust perpetuates this meme. It convinces the real victims, the goyim, that they are the "bullies" if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati's Jewish and Masonic fronts. For example, anyone who opposes gay marriage, something only one in 500 gays even want, is considered a "bully." The Illuminati and their agents are redefining the definition of marriage for 98% of the population, who are the real victims. The whole point of marriage is procreation, to provide for mothers and children securely. Males don't have babies.

6. In Winnipeg, where I live, Gordon Warren is speaking publicly against the corrupt practices of Mayor Sam Katz and his Jewish confreres. He traces Katz's behavior to the Talmud which preaches hatred against Gentiles. He calls the Talmud "the Katz Doctrine." For example, according to the Talmud.
1) God is never angry about the Jews, just about the Non-Jews.
2) Jews may steal from Non-Jews.
3) Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.
4) Jews may lie to Non-Jews. Jews may use lies (subterfuges) to circumvent a Gentile.
5) Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.
The Jews are suing Warren and calling him a "bully." Let's see, Gordon, 46, (below, left) an unemployed theology graduate, is a "bully." Katz, a millionaire and his millionaire Masonic buddies, who control the city are "poor innocent victims." The victim is the bully and the bully is the victim. Warren addresses the charge of "bullying."

While I have dedicated the last 7 years of my life to working with the ethically challenged members in our community, I have never once raised a hand to them in anger or voiced a word of hate. I have merely pointed out their behavioural excesses and deficits and have endeavored to make the necessary corrections. This is what a well-educated and experienced caregiver does.
Correction isn't bullying; it's an act of love by someone who cares. I love Winnipeg and the people in it. This is my home and I will continue to use my education and experience to work with the ethically challenged people who frequent City Hall until the corruption has been removed and those responsible acknowledge their misbehavior, make amends for their misdeeds, and get the rehabilitation that they need.

(l. Winnipeg developer, Sandy Shindleman)
7. Magnify this to millennial size and we have stupid Christian Zionists convincing the world the Muslims have been victimizing Jews and want to destroy poor little Israel. As an example, see "Israel: The Little Country that Could." Muslims have always lived in peace with ordinary Jews. The Illuminati Jews are nearly always the aggressors. They are behind Western Imperialism. Now, they are picking off every country in the Arab world and installing their puppets: Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria.
8. The charge of "Anti-Semitism" is a scam. Anti-Semitism is a sign that a society still has a pulse, and can recognize the enemy within. Organized Jewry (and Freemasonry) are a Trojan Horse for that enemy, the Illuminati bankers. Society has been brainwashed to cower, like Pavlov's dog, at the "anti Semite" charge. Jews wield it like a exorcist brandishes a cross. Keep the evil "haters" at bay! Yet privately they admit it is "a trick we use" to control the stupid goyim.

The Liberals will reply, "Yes, but we still have that warm fuzzy feeling of being politically correct. It's great being brainwashed. We'll savor this sanctimonious sensation until we face the firing squad. You patriots are bullies and bigots. We learned that by celebrating Jewish victim hood every year. It doesn't matter that these FEMA camps are run by Illuminati Jews just like the Gulags in the USSR. You patriot prisoners are the real bullies. "
Mankind is being inducted into a satanic cult, Cabala Judaism. This is behind "humanism," "secularism," "atheism" and "modernism." Humanity is being trained to serve the Illuminati and their god Lucifer. The goal is to dynamite the four legs of human identity (the nation-state, religion, family and race) in order to re-engineer humanity. This is behind "feminism", "gay rights," "sexual liberation," "multiculturalism," and the explosion of porn, obscenity and the occult in the media. 9-11 was a false flag used to erect a police state. Sandy Hook was a pretext to remove guns. If it weren't for guns, the US would be a police state today.
The Illuminati Jews have their ducks lined up. They control Obama, the government, cartels and media. They control the DHS. They are training the DHS and US army to believe Christians and Patriots are "extremists" i.e. the "bullies." All they need now is an economic crisis or another false flag to pinch the guns and start rounding up dissidents.
Related: Injunction Granted Against Warren Read the comments!
Note the survey - 80% of Winnipeggers think Sam Katz should not run for reelection.
Makow - Holocaust as Mental Paradigm
--------- Who's the Bully? Manitoba Forces Gay Sex on Children
Professor Kevin McDonald Immigration - the hostility of Jews toward the traditional people and culture of America.
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US Army Manual says Catholics are Extremists - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34533.htm
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First Comment from A

Most Americans think the guys with the guns and the black mask are the victims.
The Zionists use Holocaust Day to hide their daily atrocities and suppress memory of the Nakba Day, the largest single REVERSE JEWISH POGROM in history -- where the Jews were the perpetrators and the Palestinians the victims.
I bet not one in 25 Americans have ever heard of The 1948 Nakba when maybe a million Palestinians fled their homes to safety in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and other cities in the Middle East.
The Zionist can do as they please knowing their tribe owns the media throughout the rest of the world.
Duncan said (April 8, 2013):
Thats an incredibly powerful statement you are making Henry .
I used to have a Jewish girlfriend and she and her children were some of the most wonderful people I have ever met and she regularly expressed the damage done to her when she divorced the Jewish man she wed. As you rightly point out it is those who rule from the top that are the cause of the divide . The Israeli Zionist supremacists and their masonic lackeys.
VERY WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!