A Greek Exile in South Africa
March 16, 2013

A Greek reader explains why her family
left Greece to settle in South Africa
Ironically the flood of refugees into Greece turned her into one...
By Phillipa
I cannot get myself to say that we "fled" Greece, but we left due to the fact the writing was on the wall as far back as 2005.
'My children attended school in Greece, and these were the happiest years they have ever had. Greece is a paradise for families even with all its ups and downs.

My experience of Greece is that it is a great country with so much potential and opportunities but the ongoing corruption from politicians AND the public has destroyed Greece.
Corruption in Greece cannot be blamed on one political party only. If a ruling government is corrupt, implements unfair laws which they themselves do not obey, it leaves plenty of loopholes for its citizens to slip through as well.
The main problem is that the majority of people suffer from self entitlement, meaning they believe that they are entitled not pay taxes, grab whatever they can get their hands on for free, pay bribes to get their way and the saddest part is that they teach their children to do exactly the same.
I believe in free education & medical, helping the poor, but there is a limit. I don't agree to host illegal immigrants that are abusing the system financially and have made the crime rates soar to the limits.

At the end of the day Greece has absolutely nothing in common with the so called refugees fleeing to there. By nothing,I mean not in culture, religion, region, history, language etc. It was discovered recently that thousands of "pensioners" were bogus as well as people claiming social/disability benefits.
I don't have the words to express my disgust of the atrocities that have taken place for the sake of money at the expense of the destitute people of Greece. My hope and prayers are that one day, this nightmare will end and things will be put into place. The time has come for each and every Greek not to ask what the government can do for me, but rather, what can I do for Greece?
Just to set the record straight, the only country I have ever fled from twice...is South Africa. The reason we fled SA twice was due to the horrendous crimes that take place on a daily basis, our lives in SA are not worth a penny.
We were put on the Genocide Watch up to level six due to the brutal farm murders, but the outside world only hears and sees what they want to....again in the name of money.

But it comes at an unimaginable price...your life. So rather give me Greece, less luxury, a piece of bread and olives than a living hell in SA.
MW said (March 17, 2013):
I can but agree with the author of this article
SA is a wonderful country but if you happen to be white you are marked for whatever atrocities they can think of
We have nowhere to run; only four million left and day by day we are being robbed raped murdered and the world sleeps on.