How Many Gay Politicians are Sociopaths?
February 14, 2013

The Illuminati bankers used homosexuals to subvert Western civilization. Why?
Because , by their own admission, many (not all) are amoral, deceitful and hate society.
"Unfortunately, homosexuals are insidious in any position of power over others."
by Frank D'Amiano
People have let their guard down on homosexuality and are in the phase of acceptance. That is, making excuses for them. I hear, "I don't care if they hold public office as long as they keep it private" or, ""it's their private life".

Unfortunately homosexuals are insidious in any position of power over others. It is a personality disorder with definable features. The foremost problem is that homosexuals are obsessed with sex on multiple levels, and they tend to be blind to certain boundaries. This is why normal cultures have always made it a taboo.
Eckart Tolle said something peculiar about homosexuals in an interview:
"As you approach adulthood, uncertainty about your sexuality followed by the realization that you are "different" from other may force you to dis-identify from socially conditioned patterns of thought and behavior. This will automatically raise your level of consciousness above the unconscious majority.".
That's not the sort of thing to tell people with Narcissistic personality disorder, which is a component of homosexuality. Society is in jeopardy until homosexuality is restored to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV)
Compare with Satanists who believe that the experience of killing an animal or human is a valid growth experience based on this very logic. I thought I was a Luciferian when I was involved with them, so I know the thinking. It is seductive and subtle, a very dangerous way of thinking for how easily it completely dismisses morality in favor of self aggrandizement, i.e, raising consciousness above the unconscious majority (the cattle) This belies the essential narcissism of New Age logic.

Tolle added that the gay only need to be careful not to get obsessed with the gay identity. But, this is like asking them not to get obsessed with sex. Gays cannot help but obsess on the gay identity. It's their raison d'etre.
In the arts business, I had to do business with all kinds of homosexuals and lesbians. I made mental excuses for them and had believed the politically correct notion that they can keep their sex life separate from other interactions. The older, mature ones can for a while, but sooner or later they get needy or paranoid or whatever, and things get weird.
So what I see happening has been this alarming progress of disproportionate attention and power suddenly bestowed on sexual deviants by the NWO.
"To know who rules you, see who you aren't allowed to criticize". (Voltaire)
I don't believe the capstone is gay. I think that they've put women and homosexuals in charge like Capos in a concentration camp. Women and homosexuals have weaknesses which make them easily controllable. Like Oscar Wilde said, all women are always seeking their Master.

Makow Note: According to the late Alan Stang's courageous book ,"Not Holier Than Thou: How Queer is Bush?" (2007) homosexuals play a huge part of the Illuminati Jewish subversion of Western society.
Stang speculates that Bush was a homosexual and demonstrated that, despite his Christian family pretensions, he advanced the homo-sexualization of America and gave "organized sodomy considerable control over the federal government." (66)
Stang documents that a well-known male prostitute, Jeff Gannon, made dozens of visits to the Bush White House in 2003 and 2004 often staying over night. Apparently the President could be easily blackmailed. And this doesn't even include Margie Schrodinger, the black Texan housewife whose name has disappeared down the memory hole. She formally charged the President with rape (about 2002) and then conveniently "committed suicide."
Stang's book is a laundry list of the homosexuality within the Republican Party. It came out before Rep. Mark Foley and the Congressional Pages scandal, Sen. Larry Craig and the toilet 'wide stance" scandal. It tears the veil off the media's feel-good, sugar-coated image of homosexuality. It is hard to stomach but must be read. Why? Because some homosexuals, by their own admission, hate society and have no morality. Thus these particular homosexuals are perfect agents of Illuminati subversion.
By now, you should know that Barrack Obama has a homosexual past. Larry Sinclair, who claims he had sex with Obama, was ignored by the mass media, but if BO started to steer an independent course, Larry Sinclair suddenly would be in the headlines. Bottom line: many of the stuffed suits who masquerade as our leaders are not only Freemasons and Zionists, they are also homosexuals.
Gays admit that many of them are sociopaths
Hitler was Gay
Is Barack Obama Gay?
Canada's Phoney Pro- Family Conservative Party Champions "Gay Rights"
First Comment from Jim:
As a man who has struggled with homosexuality for nearly all of my life, I can attest to many of the thoughts mentioned in the article. I would not consider myself a sociopath but I can identify with many aspects of sexual addiction and narcissistic personality disorder.
Truthfully, it is a terrible way to live but yet it is very difficult to shed those undesirable traits.
Most homosexuals I have encountered are indeed weird. They can't carry on a normal conversation for very long because there is always an underlying sexual current. For homosexuals in power, their decision-making skills are skewed and they will always favor other homosexuals which perpetuates the problem of being insidious.
As a result of childhood abuse, homosexuals can only pretend to be normal (me included) because we weren't taught how and it wasn't hard-wired into our brains. It doesn't take long for the mask to come off and we reveal ourselves.
Fortunately for me, the pastor of my church helped me come to terms with my homosexual feelings. I have come accept that homosexuality, like it or not, is a small part of who I am. I recognize it for what it is ...a feeling that doesn't have to be acted upon. I also have some very good [straight] friends who know of my struggle and still wish to hang out with me. Without them I would be a complete basket case.