The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game
April 15, 2006

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Recently a reader asked my opinion of the Jewish holocaust:
"Some of the 911 people think that there were no 'death camps' as such, but apart from cruel executions to terrorise inmates the vast bulk of deaths occurred because of Typhus and other diseases towards the end of the war when things started to go badly for Germany and food supplies became very scarce. There is a Red Cross document on the internet that estimates the total number of deaths of peoples from all groups in all camps at about 280, 000. Now everyone has an agenda but the 6 million figures and this number are so ridiculously different I wonder where should one begin to look to find the truth about the 'holocaust'."
These events took place more than 60 years ago and we are all dependent on historical and eyewitness accounts. To a large extent, it's a question of whom you believe. I am not an expert on the subject and will continue to research it. I can only give you my opinion and I defer to the truth. I have no ax to grind.
I don't trust the Red Cross which I suspect is an Illuminati organization. My sense is that after mid-1941 the Nazis had a deliberate policy of exterminating European Jews. I would accept Raul Hilberg's conclusion in "The Destruction of the European Jews" that about 5.1 million were killed. (See his Appendices.) Hilberg could hardly get this book published because he documented the lack of Jewish resistance.
I am also impressed by German historian Heinz Hohne's "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS," which supports Hilberg's view. The SS was responsible for executing the "Final Solution." He lists the camps where three million died. (380) There is no question the Nazis used gas vans in Russia so I can believe they had gas chambers in some death camps.
I don't have to rely on books entirely. Both my parents were Polish Jews who survived by passing as Catholics. I have their accounts of how Jews were hunted like animals. My grandparents perished. Many Jewish families experienced similar or greater losses. Sympathetic Poles and Germans helped my parents survive.
Holocaust "minimizers" have no trouble believing that Himmler tried to ransom a million Hungarian Jews for trucks and provisions (but was rejected by the Zionists.) They have alot of trouble accepting that he was bartering their lives.
When the Nazis rounded up Jews, they took everyone. What happened to the children, aged, infirm and others unfit for work? Why would they select them? To provide them with free room and board? Extermination is the most credible explanation.
This is my present view. I urge people to do their own research. Please don't send me information and arguments either way. I know where to find them.
The Jewish holocaust has become an issue because it has been politicized. Elite mind controllers, like Jewish mothers, understand the power of guilt as a psychological weapon.
Guilt both activates the "victims" and subdues the "guilty." Mind controllers have applied this strategy to women, homosexuals, and Blacks as well as Jews. (See my "The Victim as Moral Zombie.")
Why are they trying to give the Jewish genocide a special status above all others? Victimhood bestows a certain power and prestige on Jews who occupy prominent places in the New World Order. This makes them and the new system immune to criticism or resistance. The Jewish holocaust also justifies WW2 and Zionism.
Naturally, opponents of the New World Order want to take this advantage away. Atrocity stories, after all, are a staple of propaganda. Numbers do get exaggerated for more effect. If Hilberg is right, five million slaughtered was not enough.
But I suspect some opponents of the NWO are erring in the other direction, and it undermines their larger cause. It's a mistake for patriots to appear to minimize the Jewish holocaust. Its makes them look stupid and insensitive and discredits them. On the other hand, people like Ernst Zundel, a German patriot, and David Irving, a gifted historian, have a right to ask questions. They should be answered with documentation, not jail.
The least we can do for all innocent victims is accurately acknowledge their murder. Apparently this modicum of civility is too much to ask. People are too ready to trim the truth to fit their agenda. Truth is the only thing that matters.
I also wish we could shake the feebleminded habit of "guilt by association." This is the way they divide us. No one is responsible for what other people of similar background do. We are individuals. All Americans are NOT responsible for American atrocities in Iraq or at Guantanamo Bay. (But opponents of this war are required to take a stand.)
Jews are individuals like everyone else. Yes, many Jews serve as a Trojan Horse for the Illuminati. But many other Jews oppose the New World Order. For example, Rabbi Daniel Lapin is an outspoken critic of the degrading influence of Hollywood Jews on American culture. I wish more Jews would take such a stand.
Jews are not a cohesive community as anti-Semites who crave a simple solution imagine. Let's treat people as individuals and judge them on the basis of their actions. Isn't individualism something we value?
I don't believe in "prestige by association" either. I am embarrassed by the special treatment given to the Jewish holocaust. All war is genocide. More than sixty million died in the Second World War. German civilians and POWS. The Polish intelligensia. Stalin killed more than twenty million people. Mao killed sixty million. Rwanda. Cambodia. Bosnia. Ukraine. Armenia. The list goes on and on.
As long as the elite exploits the Jewish holocaust for political gain, opponents will minimize it. The subject should be removed from the political arena altogether. Let's show some respect and decency.
Related: My "The Other Side of Holocaust Denial"
Stephen said (April 18, 2006):
The number of dead in the camps at Germany was around 70,000 about half of whom were gentiles, most those who perished did so from typhus thanks to Russian pows,and lack of food,thanks to allied bombing of rails that led to the camps.Additionally,to say that the entire infrastructure of Germany during the last year of the war was in state of near total collapse would be an understatement. Lastly,the persecution of the Jews was orchestrated by Zionist has long been admitted by Jews who lost their family members to the Zionist-Nazi collaboration.
I totally disagree with these numbers but am posting this so people can see what some people actually believe.