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Nelson Thall, A.K.A. Lenny Bloom,

April 15, 2004

Nelson Thall, A.K.A. Lenny Bloom, is out of jail after a run-in with Toronto Police last week. "I just came home and they were in my house, going through everything" he said in a telephone interview Tuesday afternoon.

"They entered my home without a warrant, arrested me on the spot. They kept my family downstairs while they slapped the cuffs on me upstairs". Thall was charged with 64 charges related to the storage of guns in his Forest Hill home. Thall was sent to prison for 3 days and was not permitted to call his lawyer from his home. In a recent email, Thall wrote:

My firearm collection was registered for over twenty years and stored in locked boxes. The Police invaded my house without a search warrant and came in when I was out of the house. I have a disease known as Tinitis. My doctor presribes THC to stop the ringing in my ears. Tell the world

What were "they" trying to say? "Don't push it" Thall says . "They are attacking me as an intellectual, and they are saying "don't push the issue"'. The Toronto Establishment has also carried out character assassinations in the past - one on Toronto's biggest conspiracy buff of all time - U of T Prof. Robert O'Driscoll. He was the author of The New World Order and Corruption in Canada, New World Order and The Throne of the Antichrist as well as The New World Order in North America : Mechanism in Place for a Police State.

O'Driscoll's books represented a new direction of scholarship - engaging in public debate over what really goes on behind the scenes. He was the first high-profile person in Canada to give voice to David Icke and even Ernst Zundel, who is currently being held as a political prisoner in Canada. O'Driscoll fell victim to a character assassination after publishing his trilogy of books, which were labelled anti-semitic, as they gave voice to Icke and others who claimed that there was a corrupt elite who sought to bring about a New World Order. O'Driscoll was also a scholar of Ezra Pound's works that examined the Federal Reserve Banking system.

At the time, O'Driscoll's claims seemed outlandish but seem to be coming to pass before our very eyes. "O'Driscoll was a former professor of mine" said Thall. "He came and stayed with me when he needed a safe house". O'Driscoll died in 1996 in Dublin. Thall says that Eric Phelps of passed through on his way out of the US to Israel. "This guy was forced out of his own country. Someone threatened him. We didn't really talk about it, as we had no time."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at