Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution
June 6, 2023
PLAYBOY founder, Hugh Hefner,

Related Hefner- A Crypto Jew? Playboy's "team of Jewish editors"
Excuse Me, Gay is Not Good, by Charles Socarides MD
First Comment by Jude:
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June 6, 2023
Connie said (September 28, 2017):
What Heffner REALLY did that was "gay" was to let men pick up a magazine and passively "absorb" their sexual thrills from a caricature, instead of actively pursuing a real woman, which requires working/learning/figuring out how to get her -- and keep her. Real women change over time, and you have to keep up.
G said (September 28, 2017):
Dear Henry, thank you for accurately and acutely covering Hefner and his perverted contribution to our society. Because of him I spent much of my adult life feeling embarrassed and wanting his invasive and exploitive free-for-all to finally end and go away forever. But it didn't; it just got more and more disgusting and more and more mainstream/in our face. No way to shield the children from its all-pervasive ooze. There are many ways to bring us back to decency but it will be a long, hard road, but so necessary and worth it.
BG said (September 28, 2017):
Consider how many families have been crushed and how many hearts have been torn to pieces because someone believed Hefner's gospel of free sex, "decent" pornography, and erotic liberation. When he was born, his Methodist mother wanted him to grow up and be a missionary - and in a way she got her wish. He did not invent pornography, but he was the first to institutionalize by making it "respectable" and mainstream. He was the harbinger of the new sexual ethic, fueling a revolution that has changed the globe in a way far worse than any war or disease ever could. He was a missionary who taught his message to the ugly end. He died yesterday as a pathetic, wrinkly playboy, perhaps still in those silk pajamas. We do not rejoice in his death (Eze. 18:23; 33:11). But we must recognize he died not as a successful philanderer, but a loser and a con man. He duped many into buying into his gospel of death and now stands before his Creator, explaining why he exploited so many made in precious His image. Lord, please have mercy.
AA said (June 18, 2015):
You impute the general decline in sexual morals to Playboy's promotion of hedonistic homosexual-type attitudes in men, yet homosexuality didn't really take off until well after the sexual revolution was in full swing.
The real problem was that feminists told women that marriage oppressed them and then told them that the key to throwing off their oppression was to go out and be promiscuous sluts. ...Which is what they did, much to the delight of the worst men -- who were thus effectively given sanction for their immorality. ("Hey, it's okay! Everybody's doing it!")
And women today are almost all sluts: a recent study found that the average (note: THE AVERAGE) Western woman will, during her life, spread her legs for no fewer than EIGHT men -- so her lucky husband can look forward to sharing his wife with an entire basketball team! ...Plus the coach! This is one of the reasons why decent men are choosing not to bother with women at all. It's not that they all want to be playboys -- it's that they have more sense than to live with a woman who doesn't love them enough to save themselves for them, and who will probably cheat on them, leave them, or both (women initiate the vast majority of divorces, and the courts favour women to the extent that the man can expect to lose pretty much everything, including his kids in a divorce). Plus there's STDs...
The attempt to cast MGTOWs as irresponsible, hedonistic playboys is wrong-headed: MGTOWs are a very diverse bunch -- some are indeed immature playboys, but there many who are quite the opposite (including divorced fathers who love their children and do not shirk their responsibilities towards them). These men are simply individuals who've looked at the situation, realized the catastrophe that has happened, and made a rational, sensible decision.
JJ said (June 16, 2015):
What sort of man reads PLAYBOY?
This describes an uncle of mine perfectly. He has a huge collection of Playboys from every year of their "golden era," as well as all of their merchandise and assorted ephemera, some of which he passed on to me. He's on his third marriage and has no children of his own. He also tried to kill me, but that's another story.
CR said (June 16, 2015):
The whole idea of "soft core pornography" is nothing new at all, if you have ever been in an art museum you would see that men have been infatuated with the image of women's naked bodies for centuries. Whether there was a hidden agenda pushing nude art in the past is another story, but that in itself is less harmful than the whole sexual revolution/MGTOW phenomenon. I wouldn't want my wife, daughter, or sister posing naked for either a painting or photo shoot, but the idea of men living without responsibilities in life in tantamount to genocide because they will either have no children or be worthless fathers in the case that an accident does happen.
I also take issue with Dan's statement that "women do not "enjoy sex because of sex". Ever. For women, sex is always about something else". If that were true then vibrators, sluts, nymphomaniacs, and lesbianism would not exist. It's true that some women use sex for material gain or to manipulate people, while women in a relationship will have sex when they are not really into it just to satisfy their man, but sometimes girls just want to get fucked. Things are not so black-and-white in reality.
Art said (June 15, 2015):
Great article.
But there's no way that they're gonna turn all of us gay.
Dear Art,
They already have in the sense that many more heterosexuals now seek promiscuous sex instead of marriage and family.
Adam said (November 12, 2012):
I took the time to click on the link to "Crafting Gay Children". It is a heavy read but worth it for the education in the extent to which homos are driving acceptance of their foul and filthy sexual aberrations.
Your respondent "David" mentions the book of Leviticus in which God issues a judgment on those who indulge in homosexuality. In the ancient nation of Israel which was initially a theocracy, homos suffered capital punishment in accordance with the judgment of God. This judgment was not wholly followed and as a result the practice of homosexuality increased.
It is for this same reason that homosexuality is increasing in the current civilization. Even before the existence of the nation Israel there were two cities in the Middle East area in the time of Abraham that God destroyed with something equivalent to a hail of meteorites because of their aberrant sexual practices which included homosexuality.
Homosexual practice runs counter to the reproduction of human beings. This may be one of the reasons for the drive for its acceptance in society. It plays right into the hands of those who seek to drastically reduce world population. Homosexuals are being used : they are tools for their own destruction and of course there is a Satanic aspect underlying all of this because Satan hates human beings.
James said (November 11, 2012):
Thank you once again for your insight and courage to alert your readers to the lies of our culture.
I believe there is a code of conduct that produces a better life that brings happiness, joy, and peace. But unfortunately if we want that life we need to obey the rules of the code. History show us that when man makes up his own code of conduct the culture he lives in plummets into depravity. We are witnessing that if we are willing to take our heads out of the sand and see our world as it really is.
RE said (November 11, 2012):
David is right in his response to your article. However, real change must come from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. That change can only be accomplished by a fundamental renewal of man's spirit by establishing a personal relationship with his Creator, a side from that, everything will stay the same. The enemy is well aware of this and has tried his utmost to deceive those, that followed Christian principals.
There is a movie, The Client List, available on YouTube, which demonstrated the results of the 'sexual revolution': Men becoming 'homemakers' and women the 'bread winners'. By slowly eroding the foundation - the family unit, you ultimately destroy society. In that, the enemy has been successful. Unless there is a divine intervention, our western society and what's left of our culture, we will go down the road of history as all previous great nations.
Klaus said (November 11, 2012):
Thanks again for emphasizing the relationship between sexual promiscuity and homosexuality. Straight men need to hear this. I was speaking with a man a few years ago who, for a year, had unrestrained sex with a woman who was also a sex addict. They had sex everywhere, sex, sex, sex in the car, at work, in every part of his parent's house, while driving, walking, doing dishes etc. etc. He had a very interesting way of describing it. He said, "it was almost gay". He had a bewildered look on his face when he said it because it was a funny way of saying it. And he said it with sadness because now he had memories that he didn't know what to do with. And where is he going to find another woman like that woman? And I believe he secretly was wondering what sex with men is like.
When he watched porn he would try to watch the porn that shows the least amount of the man's body as a means of self-control. And he would never hug a man. I have met quite a few homosexuals who admitted they had had unrestrained sex with women to the point that it was boring and unfulfilling before they turned to men. The gay community doesn't want to talk about this and about bisexuality. Don't stop talking about this issue.
David said (November 11, 2012):
Your latest article hits the nail on the head. Being a Gen Xer, I grew up with Playboy and I felt it was cool. I had no idea it was part of the homosexuality and feminism revolution.
I have no problem with one who chooses to be Gay. That is their choice. Many of these feminists and homosexuals have not read what the Jewish bible and the Christian bible say about homosexuality. God outlines in Leviticus and Deuteronomy what is normal behavior. The God of Israel does not want to suppress women. He wants to empower them.
When one engages in sinful behavior God will punish those people. God knew back then and even now how the nuclear family is the best cure for keeping society healthy. If everyone would take the time to read God's word instead of being brainwashed by those in charge, the USA and the rest of the western would would be in better shape.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Eric B said (April 7, 2018):
I'm an intuitive Dr. Makow and I can tell you that Hefner and quite a few of his bunnies were dark/satanic in nature. Recent revelations are that there were underground chambers and tunnels affiliated with his mansion and I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were some human sacrifices going on as well. Interesting with the satanic crowd is that some of them have a penchant for sacrificing/abusing young males which is the case I believe with the Hefner crowd while others have an inclination to sacrifice females.