(Haviv Schieber, 1913-1987)Like Jewish anti-Communists Henry Klein and Myron Fagan, Haviv Schieber has been flushed down the memory hole. Haviv Schieber fled to Palestine from Poland in 1937 and fought under Menachem Begin in the Irgun.He formed an anti-Communist Zionist organization. As a result, Zionists treated him like the serial killer-cannibal Hannibal Lecter. He describes
Results matching “Myron Fagan”
1957 Prediction of a Third World War between Israel, backed by the US, and Islam, backed by Russia. Mankind is held hostage by religious fanatics intent on fulfilling "prophecy" that entails the destruction of civilization to prompt the return of the "Messiah" i.e. antichrist. Is the Ukraine war part of this charade? Arguments
Founded in 1832, Yale's Skull and Bones didn't admit Jews until the 1950's. Yesterday E. Michael Jones tweeted a demand to "break the Jew taboo" and hold all Jews responsible for the shit hole that the US has become. I replied on X: "Assimilated Jews are going to be scapegoats for the
(Alfred Lilienthal, 1915-2008) Alfred Lilienthal belongs to the ranks of courageous Jews who opposed the Jewish supremacist agenda. Others include Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman, Elmer Berger, & Henry Klein. In the 1950s, Alfred Lilienthal warned that the U.S. is fighting Israel's wars to dominate a region. The US is not fighting for our freedom as the propaganda machine
(l.The relationship of Organized Jewry to humanity) "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912) exposed how Organized Jewry waged war against white nations by promoting racial division. This documentary by Larry Elder describes how Communists replaced Blacks' Christianity-based independence with a sense of entitlement and grievance. Critical Race Theory, gender dysphoria, BLM
Why America is Going Down the Drain Myron Fagan (1887-1972) was a distinguished and successful Broadway producer, writer and director. Communism is synonymous with Cabalist Judaism and Satanism. But Myron Fagan, the most courageous and eloquent Crusader against Communism was a Jew. Fagan warned his fellow Americans of the
("Good for the Jews" as in reflects positively on Jews in general ) Got this today from a longtime Jewish correspondent and historical revisionist- "We both had Jewish mothers. We are both aware of the world’s villains. When you label Jews,
Whittaker Chambers, 1901-1961. When he exposed Alger Hiss, he exposed the Deep StateI hope "my testimony helps to make Americans recognize at last that they are at grips with a secret, sinister and enormously powerful force whose tireless purpose is their enslavement." KGB Defector Whittaker Chambers Aug 3, 1948If the US were not already Communist-controlled, Whittaker
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmaIl.com ELEPHANT in the ROOM: Five billion dollars paid out for vaccine-induced injuries in two decades, but nobody ever casts proper blame in mainstream media"Are you or a loved one suffering from "ABV" - Anything Besides Vaccines disease? Mainstream media, most doctors, and most
It's obvious that Organized Jewry is waging a war against whatever is left of white Christian America. Here is a Jewish Washington Post Reporter Jennifer Rubin celebrating the fact that whites are becoming a minority in America. She doesn't represent all Jews but why do so many want to
What does it say when the thing people fearmost is not the KGB, or the CIA, or DHS, but beingsmeared as an "anti Semite"!!??Makow - We can counter the Pavlovian programming by saying "the political agenda of organized Jewry is world tyranny, and if its 'anti Semitic' to oppose the
Whitephobic corporations wage relentless psychological warfare on you. Compared to alpha black males, TV commercials portray white men as doofuses and bottoms for homosexuals.WHITEPHOBIC CENTRAL BANKERS CONTROL ALL MAJOR CORPORATIONS AND USE THEM TO PROMOTE THEIR COMMUNIST AGENDA WHICH REQUIRES THE DESTRUCTION OF RACE, RELIGION, NATION, AND FAMILY, THE FOUR LEGS OF HUMAN IDENTITY. SINCE THEY
As it becomes increasingly clear the West is controlled by Satanists, our hopes increasingly rest on Russia's Putinwho, in contrast, seems like the paragon of sanity and goodness. He thwarted the Zionist takeover of Syria and destroyedthe barbaric Zionist proxy, ISIS. However, Andy Sloan believesall this is a deception and that
Left, Benjamin H. Freedman, 82, center, receiving an award in 1972.They own the currency; they own the media; they own the politicians. This is an example of how they start and end wars. In WW1, Germany offered England a generous peace deal. But the Zionists sabotaged it by offering to bring the
(left, Myron Fagan) The de facto Communist takeover of the USA is manifested by the fact that 1940's anti-Communism is portrayed today as a "witch-hunt" and "red scare." Hollywood is still pumping out movies like Trumbo (2015) which portray Hollywood traitors as champions of freedom. Although Communism is fundamentally Cabalist Judaism, some Jews have
With anti Semitism growing, it is important to discern which Jews are part of the Illuminati (Sabbatean) conspiracy. In a 15-minute lecture, Allan Brownfeld describes Zionism as "a subversive force" which has corrupted Jewish life in America.He says the silent majority of US Jews are Americans first and regard Judaism
Tony Blizzard, 82, recalls three patriots,all born in the 1880's. The first is Myron Fagan, an anti-Communist Jewwho was the first to expose the Council on Foreign Relations. The second is Paquita de Shishmareff, a White Russian aristocratwho edited a popular edition of The Protocols of Zion under the pen name "L Fry." Supplying
James Perloff: The Protocols are exactly what they say they are: an outline of Jewish tribal plans for world domination,overflowing with racist contempt for non-Jews."There is apparently an inner circle of "illuminated" Talmudic Jews bent on tribal world domination. Yet outside this are innocent Jews, like my late father, who
Current events are driven by an occult agenda, the Cabalism of the Illuminati. (Left, Michael Ledeen, part of the Illuminati Jewish Junta.) The Syrian "civil war" is wholly funded and directed by the West. It is part of theArab Spring whose purpose is to "sow chaos from Morocco to Afghanistan."In
(left, traitors Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, were executed despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth from fellow "Liberals.")To what extent is someone who is deceived, responsible for his actions, and his fate?by Henry Makow, Ph.D. As I have said before, true world history is the story of the overthrow of