May 18 - Wrong Think
May 18, 2024
(left--Harrison Butker)
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wrongthink --Beliefs or opinions that run contrary to the prevailing or mainstream orthodoxy.
Synonyms: badthink, thought crime
Usage notes
With its Orwellian roots, use of the word implies that freedom of opinion is being suppressed.
NFL star Harrison Butker has come under withering criticism and calls for his expulsion from the NFL for espousing the virtues of marriage and family at a commencement address. Here is the text of his address.

We have entered Orwell's 1984. This is a Satanic Jewish solipsism (Communism, wokeness) that is being imposed on Reality with the purpose of inverting good and evil, truth and lies, and enslaving the human race. People must adhere to this false narrative or face derision and joblessnes.
Other examples of "wrongthink." Europeans have the right to be a majority in their own countries. The Israeli genocide of Gaza is disproportionate and based on a false flag. "There are only two genders." etc. (Boy suspended for wearing a shirt that said this.)
The goyim are the new Jews in the coming holocaust.
The West is under constant satanic psychological and physical attack from within. Government and all social institutions have been subverted, especially mass media, education and law.
For example, Satanists used feminism to rob women of their natural biological and social roles (wives and mothers.) As a result, young women today are lost, relying on sex appeal to get any attention from males. This is short-lived as men have also been inducted into the modern sex cult which venerates sex for its own sake. Sexual intercourse is an act of possession. Women feel worthless when the man moves on to his next conquest.
Sexual intercourse is the most intimate experience a man and a woman can have together. It is a celebration of a loving bond. Anonymous sex is degrading and dehumanizing. Satanists push it to make women unfit for marriage. Pathetic!
AI deepfakes are about to change the catfishing game

The Eurovision 2024 Finale Was Basically a Demonic Ritual
Of course, the world elite had to turn this campy music competition into an outlet for indoctrination. And they couldn't be subtle about it; the entire thing had to become a heavy-handed embodiment of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wish I were exaggerating or being overly dramatic but, as we'll see, I'm just stating facts.
BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID "vaccines," says analyst
Things are about to get really ugly across our land now that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" have had several years to do the damage they were programmed to do inside the bodies of the tens of millions of people who took them.
"Richard's Substack" reports that an "onrushing death wave" is coming our way that will result in mass death, followed by mass destruction.
"Governments, public health ministries and Big Pharma are not talking about what is coming - because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes - but there are a number of prominent, world class, medical scientists explaining what is in the cards over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world," the report reads.
Richard Sauder, who runs the site, linked to this article from Slay News citing Dr. Dolores Cahill, who says that everyone who got vaccinated for the Chinese Virus, at least with the mRNA (modRNA) variety, will be dead within three to five years, "even if they have had only one injection."

(Olympic runner got no endorsement from ZOG. Had to race against horses to make a living.)
Jesse Owens shunned after 1938 Berlin Olympics because he refused to lie about the Warm Reception he received
"Unlike other U.S. athletes returning home with medals from the '36 Olympics, Franklin D. Roosevelt didn't invite Owens to the White House, and Owens never received a letter of congratulations from the president. There were no offers to Owens from Hollywood, no endorsement contracts and no ad deals. His face didn't appear on cereal boxes. He made a modest living from his own sports promotions, including racing against a thoroughbred horse.
Lila Petrova- Rep Thomas Massie introduces a Bill to Abolish the Fed
He goes into detail about why the Fed has betrayed America
Anyone not calling for the abolition of the Fed is False Opposition. This is the only way to save the human experiment.
'Poster Boy' Migrant Imprisoned After Beating And Raping His Own Mother
Was previously held up as a model for 'integration' of migrants in Germany

Israeli anti-Zionist academic Ilan Pappe interrogated by US Homeland agents on Gaza views
Prominent Israeli academic Ilan Pappe said he was interrogated by the Department of Homeland Security after arriving in the US on Monday.
Arriving at Detroit airport, the academic - known for his stridently anti-Zionist views and research - said he was subjected to two hours of questioning.
Amongst the questions, he was asked whether he was a Hamas supporter and whether he regarded the Israeli assault on Gaza as a "genocide".
"The two-man team were not abusive or rude, I should say, but their questions were really out of the world!" Pappe wrote on Facebook.
"They had long phone conversation with someone, (the Israelis?) and after copying everything on my phone allowed me to enter."