May 25 - Ingenious Animated Film Depicts COVID Concentration Camp World
May 25, 2023
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Beyond the Reset
Recently a video surfaced on Youtube, an animated 3D story of a man living in a Covid internment camp. Titled Beyond the Reset, the video, just under half an hour in length, has garnered almost 1.5 million views in just one month.
And surprisingly Youtube has not taken it down, although they have added an excerpt from Wikipedia below the video to be sure that those 1.5 million viewers are exposed to the official narrative.
Interview with the filmmaker Oleg Kuznetsov, who grew up in Russia but is now a Canadian citizen living in Calgary, to talk about his creation, the inspiration for it, and what it means that even now, almost a year after most Canadian provinces dropped restrictive Covid mandates, his story is still attracting millions of views.
Mark Trozzi MD
Testifying to the National Citizen's Inquiry, Constitutional Lawyer Shawn Buckley explained the politically motivated, fraudulent approval of the not-safe, not-effective, not-a-vaccine, toxic genetic injections, which were forced into Canadian's bodies.
Alex Newman- Biden Crimes Exposed: Are CCP Ties Evidence of Treason?
New revelations and documents show the Biden crime family was receiving millions of dollars, much of it from the mass-murdering dictatorship enslaving China
Pharmacist Whistleblower Recording Reveals Killings by Hospital During COVID ‘Pandemic’
Alex Jones said that there were floors in 139 hospitals where patients’ deaths were “hastened” and were killed by harmful medical treatment.
William Makis MD- Died Suddenly - COVID-19 vaccinated pregnant women continue to die unexpectedly from perinatal complications: stillbirths, blood clots, bleeding, infections and more - 8 recent unexpected deaths
Boerne, Texas - 34 year old Dr.Sheena Nageli, a pediatric chiropractor, delivered baby Juliette on April 20, 2023 and died on April 25, 2023
Pediatricians are pushing “vaccines” because of Big Pharma bribe money – here’s the evidence
It is not just COVID “vaccines” that Western medicine continues to push on the public in exchange for pharmaceutical industry cash, but all vaccines. And since most vaccines are administered to children by pediatricians, it is important not to overlook the fact that this bribery scheme has been ongoing for decades, and did not just emerge as a product of covid.
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States, May 15-May 22, 2023
Novelist Martin Amis; "Avatar" editor John Refoua; TV director Leon Ichaso; photographers Ali Rafiq & Chris Elise; 3 teens; dissident Dr. Rashid Buttar (who may well have been poisoned); & more
Poll: Almost Two Thirds Of Americans View Media As “Truly the Enemy of the People”
"A mind-blowing damnation of the regime press"
During a sit-down interview with a whistleblower who worked at the largest migrant hotel in New York City, he revealed that almost 5,000 migrants are currently staying a block away from Times Square, causing havoc for surrounding businesses and allowing children to drink alcohol while receiving millions of dollars in free benefits.
Carlos Arrellano, a whistleblower who worked at the largest migrant hotel in New York, is coming forward to blow the whistle after witnessing what he calls “the worst situation” he’s ever seen.
Prigozhin Reveals Tens of Thousands of Dead and Wounded on Both Sides in Aftermath of the Battle of Bakhmut
Another great info dump that we sorely needed. by ROLO SLAVSKIY
Criticism of the Russian war effort rarely seen.

London Mayor Khan Left ‘Barely Conscious’ Due To Heart Attack Suffered Days After Receiving Covid Booster
'It seems that even the puppets of the globalist regime are in danger from the deadly Great Reset agenda being pushed onto humanity.'
Who is this Vlad Putin?
“The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the public must prepare for a new disease to emerge that is “even deadlier” than Covid. WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued the warning at the World Health Assembly forum on Monday.
According to Tedros, global governments cannot risk assuming that the threat of another public health crisis is “down the road,” insisting that the next “deadlier” virus is looming.
Michele Bachmann reports directly from WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva: ‘No dissent registered by any nation thus far to proposed amendments nor to global pandemic treaty’
Vote is May 2024
Why is Miriam Cahn’s Art Depicting Child Abuse Exposed in Museums? And Why is Macron Defending Her?
The political party system has hijacked democracy. Ruled by money, it serves the tyranny of wealth rather than the well-being of the public. Direct democracy, beginning at the local level, is the only thing that will restore our natural rights and freedoms. Representative government only works if regular people are willing to get fully informed and actively involved. That's why our leaders try so desperately to keep us fearful and uninformed. Please sign-up today and join the fight for a true citizen democracy.
Canada’s “free press” blacks out accounts of asverse vaccine reactions and deaths as completely as the CCP’s news media in China.
SanFrancisco literallly a shithole
Millions of law enforcement officers, healthcare workers, school directors, local news media, politicians, etc. unquestioningly execute their insane orders, because they believe it's for our good. Once these millions of minions become aware that they are actually serving supervillains, they will stop obeying and start resisting. That renders the elites powerless.
The pedophilia agenda will wake up the world
The Great COVID Ventilator Death Cover-up by Michael Senger
Tens of thousands of Americans died after being placed on mechanical ventilators in spring 2020. It’s long past time we got real answers as to how many were killed this way.
With Memorial Day approaching, Pastor Chuck Baldwin tackles the USS Liberty story
The Lost Veterans That Almost Nobody Remembers
Dr. Sabine Hazan, a gastroenterologist and expert on gut bacteria, explained how the COVID shots impact the microbiome. She said that newborn babies have an abundance of bifidobacteria that accounts for 90% of the microbiome in the gut, but babies born to vaccinated mothers who breastfed had zero bifidobacteria.
Instrumental Harm: Should Women be in Leadership Positions?
Proof That Google Is Covering Up Evidence of the Conspiracy Between the Government and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Scamdemic to Kill People by Putting Them on Ventilators
When people were hospitalized for alleged COVID-19 disease, they were killed from secondary infections brought on by the use of mechanical ventilators.
PICS OF THE MONTHSymbolic Pics of the Month 05/23
In this edition of SPOTM: Dolly Parton is a one-eyed “rockstar”; Kanye’s new wife models a cross on her butt; Also: More proof that the occult elite’s agenda of gender-blurring mixed with outright satanism is reaching new levels of insanity.
Pride Month Is A Cynical Exercise In State-Enforced Homosexuality
In this instance, and countless others, the public and private sectors work hand in glove to advance both an ideological and political agenda. When, recently, Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance said that “[t]here is no meaningful distinction between the public and the private sector in the United States of America,” he was describing situations like this, in which state and corporate entities move in lockstep towards common, predetermined goals with such strength and vigor that dissent becomes impossible.
The full court press to force people to get the death jab
Myriad sources use the same words- "No one is safe until everyone is."
Comments--"What's scary is how many people were willing to jail us, send us to camps, prevent us on seeing our sick family members, take our jobs from us, they All need to be held accountable
"Every single one of these people need to be charged, for crimes against humanity. And sued individually for what they spewed.