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July 26, 2022

Approach Blue Pill People

by using the Socratic Method--

ask questions

by Douglas H. Plumb

Socrates has often said to have been the wisest man that ever lived.

The reason for this is that he admitted he knew nothing. He started political debates by asking questions, and he continued to ask questions until the end when his final question won the debate.

This method is known as the Socratic Method. If you went to school, you answered questions in every class. It forces the "learn by doing" idea. No one would remember or learn anything if the teacher just told them facts. Not only are they hard to remember, but facts are often misleading if they are given in the form of a statistic.

There are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics. Most people misinterpret statistics. You need a statistics course not to. Most of us are not doctors so any facts we give will be written off as opinion or miss-interpretation.

No one wants to debate facts, the facts are available to everyone. No one wants to check your facts. Everyone already has an opinion.

Questions make people think and that is exactly what we want, if they do so they will arrive at their own conclusions. If they are objective, they will learn the truth and believe that. I have a few questions that I have come up with.

Some are rhetorical. Hopefully readers can contribute. Why do you think they would censor lies? Isn't the WHO a privately owned organization?
Doesn't  Pfizer sponsor the news you watch? Has there ever been a government in the history of mankind that actually worked for the people?How much does Bill Gates or Justin Trudeau make off these vaccines?

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at