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Paul Craig Roberts -- A Corrupt Government is Gaslighting You

May 26, 2021


"A sure sign of a country's collapse is the open corruption of its public and private institutions. When corruption no longer has to be hidden but can be openly flouted, the values and standards that comprised the country's soul have eroded away."

A succinct summary of the bullshit we face every day. 

"We corrupt in order to control." Freemason Grand Master, Giuseppe Mazzini 1805-1872

America's Public Health System Is Utterly Corrupt

by Paul Craig Roberts


Try to find an American institution that is not corrupt. 

Even when presented with the Covid threat the US public health system could not rise above the greed for profit. 

Effective cures, such as HCQ and Ivermectin were demonized and in many states prohibited. Most Covid deaths are the result of non-treatment.

Throughout the alleged "Covid Pandemic" regulatory agencies, health bureaucracies, medical associations, state governors, media, and Big Pharma have acted to prevent any alternative to a vaccine.


(People come in droves to receive untested, unapproved "vaccines.")

From day one, the emphasis was on the profits from a vaccine. To get people to submit to an experimental and untested vaccine required the absence of cures. To keep the road open only for a vaccine even supplements such as NAC, which has shown effectiveness as both preventative and treatment of Covid, has been challenged by the FDA in its use as a supplement. 

[N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is used by the body to build antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug.]

In response,, a major online marketer of dietary supplements removed NAC from its offerings.

The generation of fear was essential to stampeding people to line up to be vaccinated. The fear was supplemented by threats of inability to travel, to attend sports events, to resume working at one's job. [These are not just threats."Only the vaccinated are Set Free."]

A Covid test, known as PCR, was intentionally run at high cycles known to result in a very high percentage of false positives. These false positives guaranteed a high infection rate that scared people silly. Economic incentives were used for hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths, thus greatly exaggerating Covid's mortality.


As you might have noticed, last winter had no reporting of flu cases as flu was added to the Covid statistics.

A number of reports have been published that the Covid vaccine does not prevent some vaccinated people from coming down with Covid. Other reports say that vaccinated people become spreaders of Covid. There are also reports of a large number of deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccine.

In order to suppress the facts and keep the Covid vaccine selling, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which supported running the PCR test at high cycles in order to inflate the number of Covid cases, runs the PCR test at much lower cycles in the case of infected vaccinated people in order to minimize the number of vaccinated people who came down with Covid.

To further create an artificial picture of the vaccine's effectiveness, asymptomatic and mild infections are excluded from the reporting of vaccinated people who catch Covid. 

Only vaccinated people who catch Covid who have to be hospitalized or die from Covid are counted among the people who caught Covid despite being vaccinated. 

However, unvaccinated people with only minor symptoms or false positives from a high cycle PCR test are added to the number of Covid cases.

See also:

This is obvious and blatant manipulation of statistics in order to scare people about Covid while reassuring them about the vaccine's effectiveness. 


Overstating the number of cases among the unvaccinated while simultaneously understating the number of people who caught Covid despite being vaccinated is shameless and protects the contrived picture of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

The falsification of statistics in order to produce massive public fear and the prevention of treatment with known safe and effective cures in order to maximize death rates produced billions of dollars in profits for Big Pharma and associated industries, with Moderna's CEO topping the list of nine new billionaires made rich from the rollout of Covid vaccines. 

These billionaires rode to their riches on the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people who died from an enforced lack of treatment --mandated deaths to protect vaccine profits.

Will anything be done about this extraordinary corruption of the American public health system?


First Comment from ST Rice, J.D. (#86082) Fed Tr. Cir. Ct HDC/SPC

 As a former USMC pilot and Intel Officer we have to read backwards and use Cui Bono as a principle to see where an enemy is going, not just their TO&E and Order of Battle Strategies. 

The Parties that forced the Covid issue to get the world's population to take "the jab" for self-suicide know exactly what the outcome will be. Therefore, I have to assume that they know what it does and what the antidote (if any) is or is not. 

Having been offered a job of Commanding Officer of an underground base by a two star US Navy Admiral back in 2009 and having refused, I can testify that this Covid nonsense has been in planning for a very long time. The US Military's best case scenario is to save 50% of the world's population. It is a fight for our souls. Any Bible reader would be a fool to think otherwise.

There are two distinct remedies for this business: 

1) get as many knowledgeable doctors/virologists to swear out an affidavit/declaration that the original Covid 19 last year did not exist. Instead it was Influenza A and B. Once that is done the whole "house of cards" falls. 

2) reinstate the common law court system and start bringing indictments for arrest warrants of Nuremburg Code and common law trespass violations while working with the US Military and InterPol.

MS writes:

And it goes far deeper than what Dr. Roberts has exposed. He's only peeled back the first layer. There's a Satanic force driving it, for sure, the source of which is most probably Rothschild Jewry & its minions. The universal synchronization of events alone points to it. And who owns the world's mainstream media?

The good thing about this Scamdemic is how it has exposed the traitors & the stupid cowards. Unquestioning followers. Lemmings. The kill shot will take care of them. They're even giving it to the children, who are most immune! 

Hard to believe a 6 months pregnant woman would take the jab & be surprised she miscarried! And Autism is not the result of vaccines! LOL! 

Today, some crazy level of Autism exists among kids; like around 30+%. There's no correlation between the rise of Autism & the number of vaccines kids must endure today, right? 

When I was a kid, there was three (3); Polio, Small Pox, & Whooping Cough (Pertussis). And they were real vaccines, not what exists today, with the mRNA DNA-altering Frankenvac. The Human Mammal has multiplied & degraded. They're culling themselves! That's astonishing but not surprising Human Mammal behavior. It don't look good.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at