Naomi Klein: Sins of Omission
October 20, 2016

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October 20, 2016
Darnell said (October 22, 2016):
Thanks for posting this one, this is still a Blind Spot for many people, good work for busting her on her Major OMISSIONS.
It’s what happens when people think with their emotions, and leave their mind completely out of it..
Also her popularity makes her highly suspect, maybe we should call her the Queen of Omission/or maybe just the princess; ) : )
Joe B Rep of SA said (October 21, 2016):
Climate Change has occurred for Billions of years(God's fault, not mine). Please would you enlighten your readers to the fact that Anthropogenic Climate Change is just a means whereby the rich Tax the hell out of us ALL for all the dirty/toxic/oil creations 'they' ENFORCE us to use(which 'they' claim is ruining the Climate).
I am thinking BIG time here of Stanley Meyer and his Water Powered Car. Even IF this is a myth, why aren't all the 'scientists' putting their heads together to MAYBE make this true/work, instead of spending their time/energy creating more machinery/devices/bombs to KILL people.
Wow. We sure are a Bent species, no? But, WOW, it's great to be alive in these changing times(oh oh! I shouldn't say that, we may just get Taxed on that change too)
Peter G said (October 21, 2016):
Well done Henry & Co
You have nicely busted this woman's thin veneer of credibility
You have grabbed her integrity by the pussy
Nice one
MP said (October 20, 2016):
I agree that climate change I is real. It is spring in South Africa, and it is suppose to be hot. We just had winter, but it is still very cold and raining. Makes a lot of sense. I'd swear this happening because the earth is trying to cool itself down.
9/11 was an inside job for sure... Climate change matters to the elite. They want to ensure their survival, not because they care about the masses.
The flat earth theory is also making a comeback. Disinformation agents spreading this nonsense.
GSA said (October 20, 2016):
I’ve researched the science of man-made global warming for many years … it is very real, not a plot … Naomi is right on this point.
I agree her stance on 911 is disheartening ….
My 2 cents
Hamish responds:
Pls post this comment in response to GSA and MP below--
The co-founder of Greenpeace disagrees with your conclusion that anthropogenic climate change is real—he testified to the US Senate stating: "There is no scientific evidence of man-made global warming. No actual proof, as it is understood in science, exists."
The global warming models have been consistently falsified—so, I recommend you expand your research, starting with the film: Climate Hustle—that shows that politicized climate change is an "environmental con job being used to push for increased government regulations and a new 'Green' energy agenda".
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
C said (October 28, 2016):
Re the last paragraph of the Naomi Klein piece, I've encountered a lot of articles with an anti-Trump theme in the alternative media lately. In the normal way I'd give them a measure of credence, but lately I've begun to see them as, at best, a reckless form of self-indulgence. Sadly we're no longer in the abstract realm of guessing games about which politician is or isn't "controlled opposition". We don't have that luxury, because we're looking down the barrel of a huge Zio-gun. We simply have to make immediate choices based on what politicians say they will do. On that basis we know what Hillary will do - she'll ethnically cleanse Syria, Iraq and Libya and send the populations to Europe and other western countries, in order to make room for a greater Israel. And she'll crush Christianity at home. Maybe Trump will do the same, but for any sane person the choice between someone who openly admits she'll destroy your country, your race and your religion, and someone who says he will do none of these things is a no-brainer.