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Henry, Looking at the media

October 16, 2004


Looking at the media in Europe as well as in the USA, I find almost no comment on J. Kerry`s political positions. Even in the "alternative" media G.W. Bush is politically beheaded while no mention of the very similar stances of J. Kerry and even lesser of his absolute submission to the zionist forces. Are the "alternative" sites under the same control as the others?

You already know, I`m strongly opposed to what is called "globalization" and therefore opposed to the NWO planned by the sponsors of G.W. Bush... But even more opposed to those planned by the racist cabbalist/satanic people who are now behind J. Kerry after having been among the sponsors of G.W. Bush. I am personnally convinced the choice between Bush and Kerry has an immense signification, as being a choice between a bunch of stupid selfish rich people`s US-Roman Empire dream and those who want to satisfy their very ancient hatred and contempt toward the 99% of humanity. That`s why I send you a link to a very honest and intelligent article "Contradictions of Kerry: Internationalism and Zionism"

Very best regards,


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at