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Special Comment, Review and Analysis

October 9, 2004

brightertomorrow.jpgSpecial Comment, Review and Analysis by Joseph Ehrlich (October 7, 2004):

The NWO looked the other way as Bush and the oil cabal violated international law and compromised domestic constitutional precepts to launch an invasion of Iraq, and unknown to the global public, on the anticipated use of WMD (or discovery thereof in Iraq), planned to expand the campaign into Syria and Iran to secure control of Middle Eastern oil, remove Chinese influence in the region, and in doing so ultimately infiltrate China's infrastructure to remove the last major impediment to NWO world government and control.

SenderBerl pointed out that if Bush could not consummate his design in Venezuela against Chavez that it was ludicrous for anyone to think he could prove successful in such an aggressively ambitious campaign in the Middle East. Further, SenderBerl pointed out that the NWO would not and could not succeed against the Arab/Islamic nations who fought tooth and nail to protect their religious culture against a NWO campaign that spoke regime change but the thrust of which was to implement culture change in the Arab/Islamic world as it had successfully accomplished in both Israel and the USA. Thus SenderBerl advised Bush 43 directly as early on as September 13, 2001, that while the NWO controlled the dominant military power in the world, the results would not be as expected and the NWO would not succeed.

This message was reiterated by SenderBerl repeatedly throughout 2002 and 2003 where SenderBerl pointed out that the NWO had only convinced China, in witnessing Bush's criminal designs and behavior not only in Iraq but in the USA, against his own countrymen, that China had no choice but to approve Jiang Zemin's precepts as publicly espoused and detected by SenderBerl in the Beijing movie production of The Emperor and the Assassin.

Bush's black and white thinking not only resulted in Jiang Zemin detesting Bush to the degree that he would not relinquish control of China, but resulted in a Bush 43 mindset that refused to face the same fate as his father in faltering and failing to secure a second term in office. Thus, the NWO knew that Bush would compromise the NWO design by securing a second term due to his negative result with China and otherwise alienating the entire world including close allies by using a baseball bat which he swung wildly and haphazardly in the promotion of the NWO agenda (while serving a personal one to reward family and friends in the oil industry).

SenderBerl deduced what the NWO leadership already knew: that Bush would not accept defeat. and his cronies, enjoying the fruits of a corrupt and abusive administration, planned, if necessary, a Code Red condition where martial law would preclude the transfer of power should Bush lose in November, allowing them on this predicate to also launch a campaign against Syria and Iran to complete their original mission.

This enhanced the already detected division in the NWO leadership and when China, on or about September 20, 2004, ironically, on the second anniversary of the detested National Security Strategy, formally confirmed what SenderBerl espoused throughout the years: that Zemin all along had been in control...China publicly rejected Western forms of democracy for China, Bush, without question, had to go.

China confirmed what SenderBerl always knew: that the NWO plan was to make mainland China indistinguishable from Taiwan, to allow the promised unification, when China rewarded the NWO, due to China's new economic condition, role and power, by allowing Western democratic dynamics to enter the country (which the NWO deploys as the portal to infiltrate and control internal infrastructure). China thus honors Zemin and the precepts in The Emperor and the Assassin by globally declaring that it will maintain its sovereignty. In doing so, Bush's fate was definitely sealed, in that the NWO needed its alternative representative, John Kerry, to assume office to consolidate gains and reposition.

The good news in all this is that the USA under NWO control will have to take a step back and again look as though the government cares about those it governs (rules). More importantly, the NWO agenda per Bush has to be sandbagged, and that is very good because as SenderBerl explained the use of nuclear weapons was imminent, which not coincidentally was the second impetus for the NWO leadership to make sure Bush does not secure a second term.

The big loser here will be Israel who had an understandable interest in the regime change aspect of the NWO agenda for Iraq, Syria and Iran. Now, Kerry will have to bend over big time to appease these same countries and it will be at the expense of Israel.

The loss for Israel will also be consistent with its failings in that SenderBerl consistently assessed that Israel's role was to protect the Arab/Islamic nations against the NWO onslaught to effectuate culture change in the Arab/Islamic nations, Israel having an obligation to recognize that both regime and culture change was imposed on Israel herself (see Regime and Culture Change Unmasked ).

The big winner here will be the Arab/Islamic nations in standing steadfast against an agenda to change the culture of the region to wit remove G-d (Allah) as central to their culture and lifestyle. Further, SenderBerl explained that the NWO agenda was self defeating in that ultimately China and the Asian nations would prevail in the NWO design for global capitalism/control, something now assured if China's influence now becomes greater than the NWO's regarding oil.

This opens a door for SenderBerl to explain a very deep covert dynamic. The NWO never wanted an alternative to oil energy. This design first served the Arab/Islamic nations under the biblical mandate of their being gifted with it (thus imputing a continued high value to it (unless of course they faltered as well in their biblical mandate)). However, the NWO aside from seeing their oil cabal group very happy about it, carried an agenda where they would control it all and thereby always hold a short leash over China and its ever growing industrial complex, thus again opening the door for infiltration and control.

Now, due to the fact that the NWO design was anti-G-d, as explained by this site, and that the American people stood silent and reticent about their own victimization and an unjust invasion with uncalled for and unnecessary Shock and Awe, with overlapping abuse, torture and murder of innocents (Abu Ghraib), China may carry dominant influence over global oil and the NWO will move to develop alternative energy sources, or else what they aimed to do to the Middle East and China will boomerang back against their own interests.

Senderberl has detailed many facets and angulations regarding the above for nearly a decade, showing its understanding of today's events, by addressing them in early 1997 in Recapturing America.

SenderBerl identified this campaign against the Middle East by Bush in 1998 and also interpreted in 1999 that the NWO agenda would falter and fail as it has. We have also provided the solutions. Now, because of the imminence of nuclear warfare, necessitated by the actions of a President and an oil group out of control, we stayed the course, declaring that if the American people voted in Bush they would rue the day they allowed it and the continued evisceration of their, our, historic form of government.

However, now that the NWO is compelled to see Kerry prevail, Bush has to face not only Kerry and the Democrats but mainstream NWO leadership. Thus, when Bremer and Rumsfeld publicly contradict Bush, its over. Now, the NWO arsenal will launch against Bush where he will be resoundingly defeated so that when Kerry apologizes the rest of the world has a basis to see that the American people fully agree.

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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at