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Liberal Hysteria & Hypocrisy

November 22, 2016

(David Remnick, the editor of the NewYorker with Obama) 

We shall effect the "destruction of every collective force except ours..." Protocols of Zion 16.1

Remnick: "Trump seemed like a twisted caricature of every rotten reflex of the radical right."

The liberal media so demonized Donald Trump that liberals went into shock when
he won. David Remnick characterizes Trump's victory as "an American tragedy." 
He raises the spectre of "authoritarianism" while dismissing the democratic will 
of the white American majority who correctly feel "dispossessed."  He calls the victory "a triumph for the forces... of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism" -- i.e. nation, gender, race, family. Masonic Jews like Remnick want to destroy these by empowering minorities. 

While Trump is guilty of some crude behavior, Liberals have for 35 years ignored the fact that the Clintons are common criminals and gangsters. I recommend the video "Clinton Chronicles"  where Bill Clinton's former associates describe his tenure as Governor of Arkansas in the 1980's.

He was a cocaine and sex addict who literally had hundreds of assignations with local women.  He trafficked $100 million a month of cocaine through the airport in Mena AR and used state agencies to launder the money. He had witnesses murdered. He and Hillary cost federal taxpayers $60 million in the Whitewater debacle. They had an associate Vince Foster murdered. They have amassed a fortune of at least $100 million selling influence. All of this has been suppressed by the mass media which tells me the US is a crime syndicate. Or, a satanic cult because reports of Clinton-Obama satanism and pedophilia have also emerged. Self-deluded and self-righteous, Liberals indeed need a reality check.

by David Remnick 
(Abridged by 

The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump's shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President--a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit--and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.

There are, inevitably, miseries to come: an increasingly reactionary Supreme Court; an emboldened right-wing Congress; a President whose disdain for women and minorities, civil liberties and scientific fact, to say nothing of simple decency, has been repeatedly demonstrated. Trump is vulgarity unbounded, a knowledge-free national leader who will not only set markets tumbling but will strike fear into the hearts of the vulnerable, the weak, and, above all, the many varieties of Other whom he has so deeply insulted. The African-American Other. The Hispanic Other. The female Other. The Jewish and Muslim Other. The most hopeful way to look at this grievous event--and it's a stretch--is that this election and the years to follow will be a test of the strength, or the fragility, of American institutions. It will be a test of our seriousness and resolve....

(Left, a "crushing blow to the spirit.")

All along, Trump seemed like a twisted caricature of every rotten reflex of the radical right. That he has prevailed, that he has won this election, is a crushing blow to the spirit; it is an event that will likely cast the country into a period of economic, political, and social uncertainty that we cannot yet imagine. That the electorate has, in its plurality, decided to live in Trump's world of vanity, hate, arrogance, untruth, and recklessness, his disdain for democratic norms, is a fact that will lead, inevitably, to all manner of national decline and suffering.

In the coming days, commentators will attempt to normalize this event. They will try to soothe their readers and viewers with thoughts about the "innate wisdom" and "essential decency" of the American people. They will downplay the virulence of the nationalism displayed, the cruel decision to elevate a man who rides in a gold-plated airliner but who has staked his claim with the populist rhetoric of blood and soil...

Trump ran his campaign sensing the feeling of dispossession and anxiety among millions of voters--white voters, in the main. And many of those voters--not all, but many--followed Trump because they saw that this slick performer, once a relative cipher when it came to politics, a marginal self-promoting buffoon in the jokescape of eighties and nineties New York, was more than willing to assume their resentments, their fury, their sense of a new world that conspired against their interests. That he was a billionaire of low repute did not dissuade them any more than pro-Brexit voters in Britain were dissuaded by the cynicism of Boris Johnson and so many others.

 The Democratic electorate might have taken comfort in the fact that the nation had recovered substantially, if unevenly, from the Great Recession in many ways--unemployment is down to 4.9 per cent--but it led them, it led us, to grossly underestimate reality. The Democratic electorate also believed that, with the election of an African-American President and the rise of marriage equality and other such markers, the culture wars were coming to a close. Trump began his campaign declaring Mexican immigrants to be "rapists"; he closed it with an anti-Semitic ad evoking "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"; his own behavior made a mockery of the dignity of women and women's bodies. And, when criticized for any of it, he batted it all away as "political correctness." ...Fascism is not our future--it cannot be; we cannot allow it to be so--but this is surely the way fascism can begin.

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Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate but a resilient, intelligent, and competent leader, who never overcame her image among millions of voters as untrustworthy and entitled. Some of this was the result of her ingrown instinct for suspicion, developed over the years after one bogus "scandal" after another. And yet, somehow, no matter how long and committed her earnest public service, she was less trusted than Trump, a flim-flam man who cheated his customers, investors, and contractors; a hollow man whose countless statements and behavior reflect a human being of dismal qualities--greedy, mendacious, and bigoted. His level of egotism is rarely exhibited outside of a clinical environment.

It is all a dismal picture. Late last night, as the results were coming in from the last states, a friend called me full of sadness, full of anxiety about conflict, about war. Why not leave the country? But despair is no answer. To combat authoritarianism, to call out lies, to struggle honorably and fiercely in the name of American ideals--that is what is left to do. That is all there is to do.


David Remnick has been editor of The New Yorker since 1998 and a staff writer since 1992.

Stephen Colbert's Election Night Breakdown
Pat Buchanan - A Besieged Presidency Ahead

First Comment from L.C. Vincent:

The article by Remnick might only be considered a textbook example of a Liberal myopia and hypocrisy, yet it goes far deeper.   Inherent in Remnick's laughable analysis of Barack Obama's presidency is his blind acceptance of government economic recovery figures (4.9% unemployment!) as well as Remnick's representation of Obama's character and motivation.  What a joke!
There has never been a presidency before Obama's when the rule of law and Constitutional principles were so routinely flouted and trashed on a daily basis, where his antagonistic racial posture constantly supported thug life and the "law" of the retribution and division, constantly stoking the fires of class, race and sex, to promote separateness and enmity.

The bottom line is that Obama deeply resents America and everything it stands for.   The fact that he has left our Southern border wide open so that we are currently allowing "1500" foreign alien invaders to daily cross into our country with no consequence (triple this government figure for accuracy), and it is clear to anyone with a functioning brain that Obama's real aim -- just as it was BEFORE this election -- is to flood the country with "undocumented" new democrat voters to corrupt the electoral process as well as to further the Cloward-Piven strategy of burdening the government with massive new entitlement debt to further cripple our economy and ultimately bankrupt it.

But the Establishment Media will NEVER state the obvious about this atrocity, just as they blithely skip over the fact that not once did Obama ever call for racial calm in Ferguson, nor decry the democrat funded destruction and sabotage of Trump's rallies and their continuing post-election demonstrations against the results of "democracy."

Quoting chocolate Jesus:   "Elections have consequences."   I suggest Remnick suck it up -- just like patriotic Americans and other Nationalists of all colors who believe in the Constitutional basis of America and the rule of law have had to during the last eight years of Obama's treasonous reign -- and watch as our National priorities shift from climate change as the Number One threat to our security to something resembling geopolitical reality; or observe as transgender bathrooms fade into comic absurdity in contrast to establishing a functioning border to keep terrorists and weapons of mass destruction out of our country.
Trump is far from perfect, but he, at he very least, has a genuine love of an America that enabled his success.   

Brendon O'Connell writes:

Not to mention Bill being seen several times personally un-loading cocaine from Barry Seals aircraft. Not to mention Barry Seal being seen having "lunch with the Gov" numerous times. Barry stated to Roger Reaves - who introduced him to Escobar and Ochoa - that he was having "lunch with the gov". Roger thought nothing of it. Arkansas was "Podunk USA" and Bill Clinton a "Podunk" Governor going nowhere - except "up - apparently, as time did tell.
One must wonder what sort of "spell" The Clintons have on the American public that they have been able to get away with their common thug criminal behavior for over forty years now?

Both of them now show the physical results of long term addiction to stimulants.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Liberal Hysteria & Hypocrisy "

David said (November 23, 2016):

Henry, corporate outlets like the New Yorker (I don't consider them the 'mainstream' anymore) are positively deranged because the Trump election is also the epitaph to their influence over the minds of Americans. Whatever else the Trump presidency may symbolize, the appointment of Steve Bannon and Trump's "you're fired!" session with the network wonks at the tower were the death notices to CNN, Fox and all the rest, at the same time it signals the ascendancy of the independent internet-based media, your site among them. They will be the new 'mainstream'. I used to be a print journalist and I couldn't be more elated at the burial of the top-down controlled disinformation business model of the old networks.

Omar said (November 23, 2016):

Henry thanks for a more balanced devils advocate approach to Trump over the last couple weeks.

Let's not forget that he is not only a billionaire but also he made it via casinos and NY real estate, which are typically strictly Kosher affairs. Nothing wrong with being in bed with Jews, I do a lot of business with Jews and typically I enjoy working with Jews the most because we think similarly

But his daughter and son in law being Jewish and Breitbart and Alex Jones, staunch Trump media assets, never criticizing Israel leads me to believe that he was allowed/promoted to win the presidency to once and for all destroy the 2 state solution, start a war with Iran, and promote a race war between whites and minorities - this way they won't see who there real enemy is - the Freemason/Cabalist/Jewish Satanists

Media is saying Breitbart and alt right is antisemitic, and they are maybe, but they are 100% pro Israeli

TW said (November 22, 2016):

All the crazy leftists can calm down. Trump's mask appears to be slipping and it seems he's really one of them. He says Hillary Clinton "has been through enough" and won't be pursuing charges against her for her serious crimes. I wonder if that sort of reasoning would be enough to get me out of a speeding ticket, much less anything serious. Of course it likely would not.

I'm beginning to think I was way too hopeful about this guy.

Robert K said (November 22, 2016):

If the allegations about Mena Airport are true, then it would probably be a mistake to regard Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton as having been anything more than a venal cog in a very complex drug-dealing organization. Much-decorated special operations soldier Bo Gritz professed to have firsthand knowledge that the Colombian operation running cocaine into the USA was set up by a Mossad agent to provide his organization and the CIA with massive funding for so-called "black ops". In a scheme of these dimensions, Clinton would have been nothing more than a facilitator.

Thanks Robert

This would suggest Clinton was a CIA asset and would explain why the CIA-controlled mass media gave him a pass.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at