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Ernestine Rose - "America's First Jewish Feminist"

May 16, 2015

rose.jpgLeft, Ernestine Rose, 1810-1892,  little known feminist pioneer. 

Although Ernestine Rose was a plucky woman with some redeeming qualities, 
the quotation (left) reveals that Jewish activism (i.e. feminism, liberalism, socialism) 
is essentially a pretext to destroy the four legs of human identity -- 
religion (God), race, nation and family (gender)-- and impose an occult template 
on society.  The more they "change the world," the worse it gets. 
See also the quotations below article, and my statement here.  


Ernestine Rose was an atheist feminist, individualist feminist, and abolitionist. She was one of the major intellectual forces behind the women's rights movement in nineteenth-century America.

She was born on January 13, 1810, in Piotrków Trybunalski, Russia-Poland, as Ernestine Louise Polowsky. Her father was a wealthy rabbi and her mother the daughter of a wealthy businessman.

At the age of five, Rose began to "question the justice of a God who would exact such hardships" as the frequent fasts that her father performed. As she grew older, she began to question her father more and more on religious matters, receiving only, "A young girl does not want to understand the object of her creed, but to accept and believe it." in response. By the age of fourteen, she had completely rejected the idea of female inferiority and the religious texts that supported that idea.

When she was sixteen her mother died and her father, without her consent, betrothed her to a young Jew who was a friend of his. Rose, not wanting to enter a marriage with a man she neither chose nor loved, confronted him, professing her lack of affection towards him and begging for release. However, Rose was a woman from a rich family, and he denied her plea.

Rose traveled to the secular civil court, where she pleaded her case herself. The courts ruled in her favor, not only freeing her from her betrothal, but ruling that she could retain the full inheritance she received from her mother. Although she decided to relinquish the fortune to her father, she gladly took her freedom from betrothal. She returned home only to discover that in her absence her father had remarried, to a sixteen-year-old girl. The tension that developed eventually forced her to leave home at the age of seventeen.

Rose then traveled to Berlin, where she found herself hampered by an anti-Semitic law that required all non-Prussian Jews to have a Prussian sponsor. She appealed directly to the king and was granted an exemption from the rule. Soon afterward, she invented a room deodorizer, which she sold to fund her travels.

She traveled to Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and finally England. Her arrival in England was less than smooth, however, as the ship in which she was sailing wrecked. Although Rose did make it to England safely, all her possessions had been destroyed, and she found herself destitute.

In order to support herself, she sought work as a teacher in the languages of German and Hebrew and she continued to sell her room deodorizers. While in England, she met Robert Owen, a Utopian socialist, who invited her to speak in at a radical event. In spite of her limited knowledge of English, the audience was so impressed that she became a regular.

She and Owen were close friends, and she even helped him to found the Association of All Classes of All Nations, a group that espoused "human rights" for all people of all nations, sexes, races and classes. During her time there she also met William Ella Rose, a Christian jeweler and silversmith, an Englishman and an "Owenite". They were soon married by a civil magistrate, and both made it plain that they considered the marriage a civil contract rather than a religious one.

In May 1836 the Roses emigrated to the United States, where they later became citizens and settled in a cozy house in New York city in 1837. The Roses soon opened a small "Fancy and Perfumery" store in their home, where Rose sold her perfumed toilet water and William ran a silversmith shop.


Rose soon began to travel to different states to espouse the abolition of slavery, religious tolerance, public education and equality for women. Her lectures were met with controversy. When she was in the South to speak out against slavery, one slaveholder told her he would have "tarred and feathered her if she had been a man"...

In the 1840s and 1850s, Rose joined the "pantheon of great American women", a group that included such influential women as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis and Sojourner Truth and fought for women's rights and abolition.

ErnestineRose.jpgIn the winter of 1836, Judge Thomas Hertell submitted a married women's property act to the legislature of New York city to ... allow them to hold real estate in their own name. When Rose heard of this resolution, she began a petition in support. In 1838, this petition was sent to the state legislature in spite of it only having five names. This was the first petition ever introduced in favor of rights for women. During the following years, she increased both the number of petitions and the number of signatures. In 1849, these rights were finally won.

Rose also attended and spoke at numerous conferences and conventions, including, but not limited to: the first national convention of Infidels, the Hartford Bible Convention, the Women's Rights Convention in the Tabernacle, New York City, the tenth national convention of the National Women's Rights Convention in Cooper Institute, New York City, the State Women's Rights Convention in Albany, New York, and the Equal Rights Association meeting in which there was a schism.

Rose was elected president of the National Women's Rights Convention in October, 1854, in spite of objections that she was an atheist. Her election was heavily supported by Susan B. Anthony, who declared that, "every religion - or none - should have an equal right on the platform".

Although she never seemed to attach any importance to her Jewish background, Rose accused Horace Seaver, the abolitionist editor of the Boston Investigator of being anti-Semitic.

In her later years, after a six month trip to Europe, she attempted to stay away from platforms and controversy. Within 6 months, she made the closing address at the nationwide Women's Rights Convention. However, her health once again took a downward turn, and on June 8, 1869, she and her husband set sail for England. Susan B. Anthony arranged a farewell party for them, and the couple received many gifts from friends and admirers, including a substantial amount of money.

After 1873, her health improved, and she began to advocate women's suffrage in England, even attending the Conference of the Woman's Suffrage movement in London and speaking in Edinburgh, Scotland at a large public meeting in favor of woman's suffrage. She died in England in 1892.


    I suppose you all grant that woman is a human being. If she has a right to life she has a right to earn a support for that life. If a human being, she has a right to have her powers and faculties as a human being developed. If developed, she has a right to exercise them.
        At a New York State convention, Rochester, N.Y. (1853), quoted in Kolmerten, Carol A., The American Life of Ernestine L. Rose, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999, p. 129-130.

    What rights have women? ... [they are] punished for breaking laws which they have no voice in making. All avenues to enterprise and honors are closed against them. If poor, they must drudge for a mere pittance--if of the wealthy classes, they must be dressed dolls of fashion--parlor puppets...
        At the Social Reform Convention, Boston (1844), quoted in Kolmerten, Carol A., The American Life of Ernestine L. Rose, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999, p. 49.

   "Do you tell me that the Bible is against our rights? Then I say that our claims do not rest upon a book written no one knows when, or by whom. Do you tell me what Paul or Peter says on the subject? Then again I reply that our claims do not rest on the opinions of any one, not even on those of Paul and Peter, . . . Books and opinions, no matter from whom they came, if they are in opposition to human rights, are nothing but dead letters."--Ernestine Rose, responding to religious heckler at Seventh National Woman's Rights Convention, New York, November 25-26, 1856 (History of Woman Suffrage, Vol. 1: 661-663)

    "...The wisest of all ages have acknowledged that the most important period in human education is in childhood. . - - This most important part of education is left entirely in the hands of the mother. She prepares the soil for future culture. . . . But the mother cannot give what she does not possess; weakness cannot impart strength. With an imperfect education . . . can she develop the powers, call out the energies, and impart a spirit of independence in her sons? . . . The mother must possess these high and noble qualities, or she never can impart them to her offspring..."


Profile in Jewish Women's Archives

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Ernestine Rose - "America's First Jewish Feminist" "

Ike said (May 17, 2015):

The Jesuits have very cleverly positioned supposedly "Jewish" people in patsy positions to distract attention away from the Jesuit Order. Communism was invented by Jesuits and perfected in their Reductions in Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries. They schooled Karl Marx in the British museums. Most all of the Frankfurt School sick minds like "SickMind Fraud" (alias Sigmund Freud) were Jewish. The problem with "Jewish" is that many Nazis took on "Jewish" ,identities from the real Jews they killed. These false identities gained these agents of Satan/Pope safe passage through the Papal "rat lines" when the Nazis, posed as moralistic Jews were ushered into the U.S after WWII.

Many of these Nazis posing as phony Jews were then credentialed by the Frankfurt School leaders (who had infiltrated universities like Columbia, University of Wisconsin, and University of California) with phony PhDs in addition to having unverifiable backgrounds and then flooded the U.S higher education system with Marxists who then brainwashed unsuspecting G.I.s like Willis by the millions returning from WWII on the G.I. bill. Then they schooled the G.Is children like Steve DeMoe's generation and sparked the counter-culture revolution in the 1960s with Freudian sexual immorality and destruction therefore of the nuclear family and patriarchy.

They also instigated the Vietnam War to kill off Buddhists who opposed Catholic takeover, so the papacy could have a home base for international drug trade out of Vietnam. Many Buddhists lit themselves on fire to protest. This could only be done with assistance from high ranking Masons and Knights of Malta within the U.S government including Presidential assist.

Franz Boaz was a German Jew who started Psychoanalytic Anthropology whereby there are no differences in races to condition the White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) males to accept nigger supremacy, as well as invasion by immigration of all other races to replace white male (WASP) supremacy. Sick mind Fraud. a Jew, conditioned people to release pent up sexual suppressed "desires" and to express themselves freely sexually and let go of Protestant "Victorian" (biblical) Age restraints. Billy Graham, who got his degree in anthropology, drank the kool-aid from these Marxists like the rest of the WWII boys in college in the 1940s and '50s and you can see it in his preaching at his Catholic "crusades" if you listen closely as I have. Then he got caught (set-up) with another woman and became a slave of the Jesuits. The Jesuits never planned to destroy Protestant American Churches. They always planned to undermine and co-opt them from within.

The difference between Political Marxism and Cultural Marxism is that Political Marxism is done by violent quick "Revolution", whereas Cultural Marxism is done by violent gradual "Evolution" as they march through cultural institutions and slowly infiltrate and undermine them over decades like boiling a frog in water.

PG said (May 17, 2015):

Ernestine did the best she could do with that horribly restrictive upbringing. Her dad was, in a word, a Big Pain in the .... . What is surprising are her battles to win in various courts in those times.

Unlike today’s typical brainwashed bitch, Ernestine retained her natural senses in being a good woman.

I don’t think Ernestine would like to be around today with all that floating garbage being forced through the fan.

Anon said (May 17, 2015):

Mme. Rose and other select characters stencil Tavistock's horse-blinder history template. Preachers influencing politics are A-OK ... if atheist. Secular circuit riders enjoy laud and honor; but Christian preachers drop down the memory hole. Thank you, Tavistock. America was 99.999% fundamentalist, yet we hear about atheists making history.

Forget Christian abolitionists, or Christian suffragettes. Forget Christian hospitals and relief societies. Forget Christian pioneer women braving wilderness in wagon-trains. Forget Christian one-room school teachers. Even forget Solomon's proverb of the industrious wife turning a profit.

Before Revolution came the Great Awakening. Even French aristocrat de Toqueville, a contemporary to Mme. Rose, recorded that righteousness made America, hailing her mighty pulpits, and fretting their demise.

One wonders what Rose said on Arab slavers selling black Africans to Jewish ship captains for transport to American slave auctions, and what men patronised them. We seldom hear now of the Underground Railroad, staffed guessed it. That history might give people ideas. Credit atheist preachers and government growth for the good and the holy. What a crock of Lucifer...

That Rose home business would flounder today under regs, taxes, and Masonic payoffs. Back then, America held off banksters and Masonry. Rose lived astride Jackson and the Anti-Masonic Party. I wonder if she preached against usury and Masonry.

The progress bequeathed us by progressive preachers is slavery under usury kings, with Masonry our slave-driver. Have you seen enough cop beatings, vaccination deaths, foreclosures, and bail-outs to get it? How about leaders with murky bios reading NLP teleprompters, or rotating royalty of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton-Bush? Do you feel the progress? Oh, get my soma, thinking hurts...

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at