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Women's Materialism is Cause of Divorce

March 3, 2015

A British reader says marriages are breaking up
because of a combination of women's innate materialism
and their socially conditioned sense of entitlement.

Makow - Illuminati Satanists realized that to
undermine society they had to corrupt women.

"Women are naturally more materialistic and seek to solve problems by 'buying something.' In the marriages breakdowns I see, it is the women's sense of entitlement which is the final nail in the coffin. I blame society for this."

by O. L.

Following the breakups of many of my friends' marriages I have often found myself listening to each dejected party.

For the men, it always revolves around how 'she isn't happy anymore' or that 'she used to like him when he did this or that...' but somehow she changed. That and 'She gets so angry now.....'

The women are an extraordinary contrast. They often underpin their suffering with a notion of entitlement. They expect the man to pay for the family, work without holiday or thanks, and then as 'modern women' they insist that their husbands 'share' the housekeeping too. If they do not work, they often expect some level of pocket money with which to spend on frivolities. When they do work, then the expectation is that it is 'their' money for the exclusive use of consumerism on their own part.

As I said, women are naturally more materialistic and seek to solve problems by 'buying something.' In the marriages breakdowns I see, it is the women's sense of entitlement which is the final nail in the coffin. I blame society for this.

Girls are indoctrinated from the earliest age to aspire for things which are known to require toil, effort and commitment. Yet at the same time parents are taught to be fearful of exposing their precious princesses to the evils of the world so at home they end up being molly coddled and spoon fed everything they may desire.

The end result is that they enter the adult world confused and overwhelmed. They spend their early twenties being promiscuous as they attempt to use their sexuality to attain ends, then, their late twenties forging a career as they realize that only cold hard cash can satisfy their consumerist needs. Then like a wall in their late 30's they realize that if they are going to have children - as God originally programmed them to do - they must do that now! The rest is just a disaster waiting to happen.......

Look at any societies around the world where marriage on the whole lasts a lifetime, and you won't see vastly different males with vastly different agendas..... what you will see is women who enter adult life without a deep rooted sense of entitlement and a notion that the 'world' owes them anything.

My sage advice to any 20-year-olds considering marriage is to be prepared that in the natural run of things, your chosen woman WILL become more materialistic as she ages and unless she has a job/career with which can feed that, then after year 7 or 8 it will all turn pear shaped.

This issue WILL be exasperated by the males natural run to be more satisfied with simpler things in life and his life quest to protect and nurture his family and become closer to God.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at