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How Could Somebody So Smart be So Stupid?

March 25, 2014


Now, for something completely different, let's rack our brains
for examples of really smart people who did really stupid things
and speculate why.

I'll suggest the obvious ones - please suggest others!
You can include yourself (Request anonymity.)

There seems to be a disconnect between intellectual intelligence and emotional maturity.

1. Bill Clinton: "I did not have sex with that woman!"  This man was US President. Did he take his responsibilities so lightly that he subjected himself to blackmail? I mean give his enemies yet another way to blackmail him?

spitzer99.jpg2.  Eliot Spitzer, left.  This man was Governor of New York. And he uses a regular upscale prostitution service. You cannot take a political stand without making enemies. Didn't he realize this would get out? Didn't he believe in his cause? How could he shame his wife and family?

3. Anthony Weiner. Again, was he incapable of assessing the consequences of sending selfies of his wiener to near strangers?

4. Woody Allen - Apart from the selfishness and harm done to an innocent human being, didn't he realize that Dylan Farrow would talk?

5. JFK Jr. doesn't belong in this company. But if I were planning a career in politics, and my father and uncle were assassinated, I would not  by flying a Cessna.

edwards-love-child-photo.jpg6.  John Edwards letting his videographer Rielle Hunter seduce him, and bear his love child, while is wife has cancer. This man was John Kerry's running mate in 2004 and ran for president in 2008. Goodbye political career. Smart but stupid.

7. Tiger Woods. "Don't be controlled by your d**k. It will ruin your life." Tiger Woods-A Lesson for All Men.

8.  Dominique Strauss Kahn, Secretary General of the IMF, in line to become President of France, threw it all up to assault a hotel maid? (IMF Chief's Sex Behavior Typical of Illuminati)

9. CIA Director David "Betrayus" - admitted he "screwed up royally" boinking his biographer.

10. Jim writes: "Jimmy Swaggart - A televangelist who exposed a fellow minister's sexual misdeeds but was himself later exposed by that same minister for having sex with a prostitute.
Jim Bakker - A televangelist who defrauded millions of dollars from his viewer, paid off his secretary for her silence, and was later accused of raping her. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison and a $500,000 fine but was released after doing only 5 years and no fine. Ted Haggard - A minister of a mega-church in Colorado who paid a male masseur for sex and drugs. Was also accused of masturbating in front of another man in a hotel room. Why do people risk everything to do such things? I believe that it basically boils down to one thing; the thrill. The desire for the elicit outweighs the consequences of being caught."


First Comment from Anon:

90% of politicians and men of influence succumb to some type of scandalous behavior at one point in their career.
Yet, the behavior is sometimes never brought to light by the media, or if it is, it is brushed over as if it is no big deal.
So you have to ask yourself why the media harps on some and leaves others alone?
You mean to tell me the media could give two shits about the welfare of the African maid that Strauss Kahn forced himself upon? You mean to tell me that a man as rich and powerful as Strauss Kahn could not have had this woman KILLED in order to silence her and no one would have known better?
I'm not sure what Strauss Kahn did to his higher ups, but he must have done something to stir their wrath, surely fondling a lowly maid was not the reason for their scorn!
Some say Clinton was pushing too hard for a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians and the Lewinsky scandal was meant to put him in his place.
Elliot Spitzer was said to be too nosy concerning the events preceding and after 9-11.
Obviously these are just conspiracies but the Strauss Kahn incident is just ridiculous.  If he had still been in good standing with his higher ups this maid would have been paid off, silenced, or dead.  Guaranteed
Most influential and powerful men enjoy the "fruits" of their labor, the only thing that makes them "stupid" as the author says, is their feelings of invincibility, that they are bulletproof.
They are only bulletproof as long as they toe the line, the minute they deviate, that's when these "scandals" are brought to light

Comment from Carl:

As most of your readers know, the majority of these people are not Christian, and neither are their colleagues. They invert Christian morality and debauch women and men, children, some of them very plain looking girls (Lewinsky). When one of them is desperate for a distraction from say, à war in Kosovo. Or perhaps another black role model reducing their image to that of an animal on schedule.

As you know Henry, since everyone in the club is blackmailed, if they step out of favor, or don't follow the plan, something leaks out on purpose.
George Bush senior was busted by a major newspaper for hiring male underage call boys. He has not been outed because he has been a good boy, followed his masters.


Related - Child Sex Slaves  (Thanks Nathan)

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "How Could Somebody So Smart be So Stupid? "

Mark said (March 27, 2014):

Please realize that smart politicians do not get into positions of authority unless they are controllable. If the guy in power is doing what his handlers and benefactors want of him, then no amount of corrupt behavior on his part will impact his time in office.

For example, Obama appears to be eminently blackmailable. I have read so many different stories about his sexual orientation, birth status, lack of college bonafides and drug use that it is a wonder that he still sits in the White House.
He must be doing his owner's bidding - and doing it well, I might add, because he appears unassailable.

Remember that Dubya was, for all intents and purposes, an arrogant retard; however, he did his masters' bidding and made it through two terms unscathed. He brought the country to the brink of ruin and Obama is completing the job.

JFK was supposed to be controlled by his father. As a matter of fact, Joe used to get rub jobs with the mobster Frank Costello in a swanky massage parlor in NYC. When Joe became ill and JFK went off the script vis-a-vis Vietnam, Cuba and the CIA... well.... the rest is history. Apparently JFK was so bad that a real lesson had to be taught; therefore, the public mind is forever ingrained with the image of JFK's head blown to bits in a Lincoln convertible.

The examples go on and on. One thing seems consistent. There are no accidents. Bad behavior does not exclude one from meritorious service. Going against the will of those who hold the reins of power is the key to career destruction.

People at entry level positions who are exhibiting bad behavior before actually getting into significant positions of power are susceptable to exposure. I think Weiner was such an example - a total horse's ass.

Spitzer may have been a borderline case. For a man who vowed to clean up Wall Street, his ouster closed the door on many investigations. However, Spitzer went to Harvard Law with Jim Cramer. And you never saw Spitzer take on the hedge funds or the naked shorting that they use to destroy listed companies.

cramerspitzerphotobooth Jim Cramer is a Complicated Man
Although he is not a politician, why is Jim Cramer still on TV?

Look at the three videos on this page:
The Extended, Uncut 'Daily Show' Jim Cramer Interview

Joyce said (March 27, 2014):

Anyone who had so much self-control and moral fortitude that he or she would not fall into this trap, would not qualify with the Illuminati for the position. Even government employees must get Background Investigations before they can be hired. A financial examination is part of the check. People who are leveraged to the hilt get hired all the time. People who are not, like me, can fail to get hired for " financial reasons."

Bill said (March 26, 2014):

Spitzer was attacked by NY Times 25 days after he criticized Bush/Administration in a letter to The Washington Post for not doing anything about predatory lending practices of banks
And we all know where those practices ended up sinking homeowners, eh?

Too bad, thought Spitzer might have actually made a good president, whatever that might be worth.
While considering myself somewhat beyond polyticks at this point in my life, please notice that most of these dummies are liberal democrats.
But history shows, to me anyway, you must have significant skeletons in your closet in order to advance, eh?

Christopher said (March 26, 2014):

Only pathologically sick individuals who openly lead disgusting lives do not care for what is learned about them. Their bold-faced lying only illustrates their boldness. Both reasons self-reinforce in a cyclical process. Good people do not want their lives dissected and do not want to be surrounded by a crowd of sickos. The crowd of sickos in the profession grows and such a calling becomes even more distasteful for a normal. Russian saying, “If you are going to live with wolves, behave like a wolf.”

Len said (March 26, 2014):

Sexual addiction, lust, and vanity are temptations that are CONSTANTLY there for the so-called "Alpha Male", the rich, the powerful, and/or the charismatic personalities. Most of the egotists who give place to these traps of immorality are foolish and weak, all the time thinking, of course, that they are "strong" and "invulnerable" to the consequences.

The Bible calls them fools, ... and rightly so.

L said (March 25, 2014):

As we all know, pathological narcissists--many of whom become politicians--often have deviant sexual behavior.

I've worked in hospital administration for many years and those surgeons or medical directors who come to consider themselves God-like, often act out sexually through dangerous encounters with young female staff members.

Same when in college and I was an innocent young paralegal struggling financially--married lawyers hitting on me right and left, asking me if I'd like jewelry and a free apartment in exchange for frequent encounters. This satisfies their selfishness, gives them the ultimate sense of power--taking advantage of the most helpless and vulnerable (vulnerable women co-workers include those with self esteem issues, ie Monica Lewinsky, it has little to do with looks and everything to do with satisfying their sick pathology)

Al Thompson said (March 25, 2014):

It's not a matter of smart or stupid, but it is more of an evil temptation which cannot be resisted without a secure moral compass. I don't know anyone who has been properly taught how to resist these temptations when the arise. The only proper way of having sex is between a man and a woman under the bond of marriage; everything else is wrong and will get poor results. Fornication will always get bad results, and pedophiles will suffer untold horrors as a result of their own actions.

Instead of using smart or stupid, I would use the word stupor and that is the result of mind control and being constantly inculcated with mainstream media poppycock. Add to that bad government and bad religion, it's a miracle that anyone can even wipe themselves, let alone lead a moral and prosperous life. To engage in evil is a weakness and it is a loser's condition. It will always produce bad results and it is the stupor which produces the poor judgment.

Linda K said (March 25, 2014):

Dear Henry - considering all of your examples are male - I immediately thought of a Greek saying told to me by my Greek husband:

The little head controls the big head.

Dan H said (March 25, 2014):

Because the question confuses intelligence with stupidity when the correct comparison would be wisdom and folly.

The behavior referenced is not 'stupid', it is foolish.

While those men may be intelligent, they are not wise and the fact that they engage in folly is due to a lack of wisdom, not a lack of intelligence.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at