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May 28, 2013

red-human-rights-league-coin-220-pixel-s.jpgCanadian Group Aims to take Back Our Rights

by Victoria

As a university-educated Canadian woman, I fancied myself fairly well-informed about the world but my recent awakening to something entitled, 'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights' and its opening article which states that ' All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights' has made me see how little of my so-called 'education' was directed at helping me to understand and claim my rightful place in a world that should belong to all of us, and how much at ensuring that such an awakening would never take place.

Thanks for my enlightenment must go to a Canadian group calling itself, 'The Human Rights Defenders League'.  Their eponymous website,  gives information about precisely how our mental and, increasingly, physical, enslavement has taken place.  Their free, short book, 'The Solution to All Our Problems', (available for download on the site) gives a brief, yet comprehensive explanation of how this has come about and why seemingly ludicrous, and often irrational, rules and regulations have been inflicted upon us in the Western world, usually against our will and almost always against common sense.

What is most exciting about this group is that they are in the process of creating a lawsuit that will take the Canadian and provincial governments,  provincial  BAR associations as well as other assorted groups and individuals to court, charging them with perpetrating a generational fraud upon the Canadian people.  As a signatory to the UDHR, the government had an obligation to educate its people as well as its civil servants about the human rights declared in the document; its failure to do so appears to be so that civil 'servants', assisted by the legal profession, might enrich themselves at the expense of the ignorant masses. 

Although this case is particular to Canada, because of the similarity of governments throughout the world, its basic tenets could be used to initiate lawsuits in other countries as well.  That this approach is successful is evidenced by a couple of recent court wins they have had using the UDHR as a defense.

I implore all readers to check out this information and, at the very least (even if not Canadian), to register on the 'Human Rights Defenders League' site to receive up-to-date news, including printable pamphlets that can be used to help educate others. What is most needed is for those who understand the concepts to pass on knowledge of this lawsuit to as many receptive people as possible.  Needless to say, those currently in control will not be helping us to spread the word so we must do it ourselves.  Long belittled as 'conspiracy theorists' by friends and family, many of us have been frustrated by our impotence to do anything positive to improve the perceived wrongs.  Finally, here is our opportunity to take action to help change the world!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at