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Outflanking Death

April 18, 2013

We are not dying apes.
We are eternal souls.
Let us live and die accordingly.

Death has been on my mind since witnessing my dog die 3 weeks ago..

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

After a shipwreck kind of life, I've been cast up on the shores of old age.

At 63, I have entered the "zone" .  Most people die between 60 and 90 years of age.

I am trapped in the body of an aging ape. This is the vehicle God chose for us to witness Him. My soul seeks unity with the Creator by doing this. But, my effort is mostly spent serving  the vehicle.


My dog Raffi recently died in our presence on the Vet's examining table.  For the first time, I witnessed the death of a loved one.

 "I can't find his heartbeat," the vet said. "He is dead."

raffi1.jpgThis came as a total shock.

 I broke down in tears and kissed Raffi as he emitted his dying breath. 

"Goodbye Raffi!"

Apparently he had an enlarged heart. We thought it was just a cough. He was ten and had entered "the zone."  But he looked great and garnered compliments.  I thought we had more time.

I had been feeling tenderness and love for Raffi. I loved his thick black coat and marvelled at the details of his muzzle. Now, I pictured his coat and muzzle being consumed in the crematory  and turned to dust.

Gone. A reminder of the fate that awaits me.


I never went anywhere in the neighborhood without Raffi. Now I walk alone and it feels awkward, No one inquires about Raffi. The postman saw us 100 times but says nothing.

One minute we are here. The next, we are gone. Our only existence is in the hearts of the few who loved us. We are like ghosts passing through. Soon forgotten.

"Why do we take life so seriously when it's over so soon?" a friend wondered. "We invest in all the wrong things."

why live?

I will not identify with the dying ape. I will identify with what in me is eternal, my soul. I will "invest" in that.

 "Am I a Murderer?'   a book by a Jewish ghetto policeman Calel Perechodnik, describes how a group of Jews were ordered to lie down in a pit to be shot. When the time came for two teenage sisters, they joined hands and skipped over to the pit and lay down. They asserted their identity; they went out with class.

We must overcome the world insanity by loo
king beyond politics. In the real scheme of things, the Illuminati, their wealth and power, fit on a postage stamp.  We need larger loyalties than a dying ape and a gang of criminal psychopaths.

We must bear witness to God and find Him in every situation. They control us through our fear of death. Outface death and 'we' are immortal.

Illuminati Satanists made "God" a dirty word in order to replace him with Lucifer. God denotes the Moral Force inherent in creation. Lucifer is evil posing as good, (i.e. "Change").

We are not dying apes. We are divine souls. All God expects of us is to express our divinity. Do that and our job here is done.

Let your fire burn brightly!

Note to readers: I appreciate your condolences; but i am more interested in your thoughts about death, the real subject of this item. 
From Jackie

DAX-3.jpgMy sincere condolences with death of Raffi. Must be very hard going out for a walk without him. I had a Belgian shepherd called Dax, he died of cancer in 1979. He was also only 10 years old. I still miss him terribly.
Since he was a very special dog I have not taken another dog. Maybe sometime in the future I will buy another dog. I now only have 4 cats. Life without pets is not nice.
I know it takes while but I hope you will not feel miserable for too long a time.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Outflanking Death"

M said (April 20, 2013):

The death of a pet always reminds us of our own immortality. If only we could live our lives like animals - be forever 'in the moment', concerned neither with the past with its many ghosts nor with the future which, frankly, does not exist.

As my little three year old cat lay dying from feline leukemia, I held her close and gently stroked her head. I fed her through a dropper, a mixture of water and cat food as we waited for the end. Our vet assured me she was in no pain but that she would die very soon. We decided to take her home to a place where she felt the most love and security. On her last night, I lay on our bed with her on my chest and I could hear her purring. After a while, I put her in her own little bed and covered her with a blanket. When I awoke the next morning I turned on the light and looked down and saw right away she was gone.

What a blessing for her to have no fear of her fate. Instead of cowering, weeping or lamenting or feeling cheated or hard done by, my little Sasha slipped away very quietly and peacefully. Animals do not over analyze. They do not 'believe' nor 'hope' nor self-delude. Perhaps one does survive physical death. Perhaps one doesn't. In the end, does it matter? If your existence ends when you physically die, you will know nothing, experience nothing, be nothing. Face this possibility with calmness and resignation and you will immediately feel free, just as an animal feels free.

Having had pets off and on for most of my fifty-eight years, I've always observed them very closely and I've concluded that, in many ways, they are superior to humans with their great capacity for love and loyalty and their ability to take pleasure in even the simplest of things - a little stuffed toy, a few minutes of play, a cuddle or a caress - and their complete trust in you as their provider and caregiver.

Yes, we sure could learn a lot from our pets and the lessons learned would, I'm sure, make us much happier people.

Raul said (April 19, 2013):

I never quite understood how people can be so attached to a pet. I think it's kind if ridiculous but then again I don't like pets. I have children and it really upsets me when people compare pets to children. I even actually think that it must be some kind if sickness of the mind. But then again what do I know. I work as a nursing assistant for hospice and see people die very frequently. So to make a spectacle over a pet is kind of absurd in my opinion.


Thanks Raul

Great to get worldly point of view.


David Richards said (April 19, 2013):

I started to think about death a lot as a teenager. The realization that I must one day perish shook me up quite badly.

The thought of dying is initially terrifying, you start asking questions like: is this voice in my head illusory? Will ‘I’ also die?

Ultimately though, I realized that death is an essential part of existence. Without death life would be utterly meaningless, like driving on an autobahn for eternity. Death is a catalyst, urging you to take action before the clock hits zero.

Faced with death, we are asked the question: how do I make the most of my life? Many people decide to just have fun. The trivial ‘100 things to do before you do before you die’ lists in magazines are illustrative of this mentality. To this end people buy a ton of stuff with credit cards, chase girls, do drugs etc.

This is a kneejerk reaction to death, a mad attempt to make the journey to the grave a rollercoaster of thrills and spills. These sensations, for the sake of which you often humiliate yourself trying to attain, will soon be only a memory to you, like a pleasure experienced in a dream. It all adds up to nothing.

Even worse, awareness of death can ingrain a person with a sense of nihilism. What is the point of anything if we will die anyway? Why not try (insert: unthinkable evil)? It is only a sensation after all.

The truth emerges when we look at life objectively. Looking at human behaviour and thought, it is clear that we have spiritual capacities, and therefore death is only the end of the physical body. Life is where spirit meets matter; the world is a medium to express ourselves. What’s more, life isn’t short. Most people live into their 70s, that’s plenty of time to make a mark. You can achieve long term goals that contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.

There probably does not exist a more beautiful appeal to the world than this message by Gotama Buddha:

‘Brothers, I do not come to offer you any dogmas, and I do not ask you to believe in that which so many others believe. I only exhort you to independent enlightenment, to use your own mind, developing it instead of letting it become dull. I adjure you not to resemble birds of prey or stupid sheep. I implore you to be men with right views, men who toil untiringly for the acquisition of real knowledge, which will prevail over suffering.’

Dan said (April 19, 2013):

Thank you for your courage in sharing your pain about Raffi. We have experienced the same many times with our dogs. Kipling's "The Power of the Dog" expresses these feelings.

Hermann Hesse wrote an essay that autumn is sad because its sights, sounds and feelings remind us of our longing for Home, that we are not home, and that we can go Home! describes the "healing stream" of "tuning in" that people receive from God before and since Groening's death ("going Home") in 1959.

In ancient Ireland, the Celts expected to pay debts in the next life. Manchu emperor Kangxi diverted Chinese energy to his comprehensive dictionary and other scholarship after his general's troops marched off a cliff because they knew they'd be strong young men again. "The Ship of Immortality" is a good poem.

A friend, Dr. Al Botkin does induced after-death communication; I've done this with him even though I'm legally blind. He has trained many practitioners worldwide and has also set up an institute in Germany. (cf.

Sue said (April 19, 2013):

An amazing post on your site today. So sorry about Raffi. We lost our golden retriever Shadow in our last years in Saudi. His photo is on the wall beside me as I'm typing this to you.

And I too am "in the zone". At 66 years old, I am further in. And my knees have reached their sell-by date ahead of me, so I am now waiting to find out if I can have knee replacement operations...

How short a time we have to spend with the people we love. And to see this beautiful beautiful world.

The Hebrew Scriptures tell us us so clearly and simply what happened. And it is tragic how well "the world" has been able to use the smokescreen of Evolution Evolution Evolution to stop us from seeing both the tragedy and the wonderful hope. Genesis tells us that when our first parents cut themselves off from their Creator, their Source of life, they found they could not even keep themselves alive, let alone run this beautiful and complex planet. And they fatally damaged every one of us - their unborn children.

So we die. And we return to the dust of the ground from which we were created.

But Jehovah has a rescue in hand for us (Adam's children) through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the incoming Kingdom of God - the heavenly government for whose coming Jesus taught us to pray. When he was on the earth, Jesus not only healed people, but he resurrected the dead, showing us what he can and will do when God's kingdom is ruling over the earth.

Here is a promise from Isaiah: "Your dead ones will live... Awake and cry out joyfully, you residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of mallows, and the earth itself will let even those impotent in death drop (in birth)." - Isaiah 26:19

Jehovah will not forget us. We are promised a wonderful awakening from the dreamless sleep of death. The dead who are held in Jehovah's memory, safe in "the everlasting arms" will be remembered, and resurrected -recreated from the dust of the ground.

And, when the dead do wake, won't they open their eyes into an earth restored to Paradise, an earth ruled by the law of loving-kindness?

Isn't that what we are praying for when we say the Lord's prayer?

Tex said (April 19, 2013):

The passing family, friend of any kind is devastating but the loss of ones own life is eternal. You so often refer to God and believe He IS, yet you miss the reason for our existence in relation to Him. Simply put, His son Jesus Christ paid our sin debt so we could be reconciled to Him. To enjoy a relationship with Him here and share eternity with Him after our physical passing from this earth. We must recognize that we are sinners in of salvation, ask His forgiveness and ask Him into our heart and become Lord of our life.

Aside from knowing Him personally and sharing this relationship with the Creator of the universe and discovering He desires to be an active part of our lives there really isn't hope for where we'll go after passing. The only other alternative is eternity without Him, otherwise known as Hell.
We tend to think and are told by some that He is too busy, well if that is the case then He is not worthy of our considerations, for then He is not God.

The book of St John so wonderfully shows who He is, you should enjoy reading it.

Colin said (April 19, 2013):

I have no fear of death or dying and dont recall ever having any fears about it. Its like an inner knowing that we just dont die at all. we just move from one realm to another.
Losing somebody close is painfull but only for those left behind. The soul of that being has moved on and transissioned back to the spiritual realm we all come from.
I do believe that a life lesson is to rise above all this material stuff and nonsense and to live a spiritual life (I dont mean by attending church or being deeply religious) Being a good Human Being, being a good friend, being there for your family, helping those less fortunate, just being there...
"do what you do do, well"
"be true to yourself"
"but most of all, be yourself"

Anne said (April 19, 2013):

Since earliest childhood when I first would have heard of the concept of fear of death, I've never understood it. I've always known there is nothing to fear about death. A girlfriend in high school felt the same way and we wondered why people don't know there's nothing to fear.

I think the mind of humanity has become corrupted by the forces of darkness so that we are unable to intuit many truths. Maybe the fear of death is a fear natural to the forces of darkness which has been maliciously grafted into mankind's thinking… perhaps to weaken humanity and encourage us to "live for the day".

I hope you aren't tormented by ideas like "shipwreck kind of life". There are some people, like you, who are unable to compromise with truth, and pay a big price for that. But because of it, with little benefit to you!, your website has been a lifeline to sanity for me and for many, I'm sure.

When my father was dying, at age 73, he said something like "It's all frivolous." In other words, in our particular family the children were 1980's-1990's yuppie types, running around being busy busy busy with careers, dual-income marriages, houses, kids and in general trying to be important and "get ours", an endless whirl of activity, dysfunction and unconscious cold-heartedness. In other words, I believe my father, casting a final backwards look, was recognizing that the structure and priorities of modern life are against nature and happiness. [having squeezed God to the polite sidelines]. Your determination to go in the opposite direction of society is the best thing for all of us.

JV said (April 19, 2013):

At 66 years, I have come to believe these 'core beliefs':

1) There is an over-arching 'God' by any name the same, re the 'One God' proposition which began in Egypt, perhaps, re records, but I suspects was always known by 'truth-seekers' thru the ages.

2) This God generates human 'souls come down' , different from the life forms of the animals and plants that 'come down via the Creator', for a human soul, because of free will given to Adam by God as distinct from the rest of Creation, is different from the meme given to all other animals.

3)I believe in the 'transmigration of souls' described in Cabala as per Halevi, and this means we get many lifetimes 'to get it right', and so 'larger loyalties' in this transmigration view , means souls can progress over more than one lifetime or lifeline.

4) Life is precious because it is granted by God, and Albert Schweitzer's writings speak to this most effectively.

5) 'Satan' separated from God; God, because of love for all, is the source of the Golden Rule, and the Golden Rule is what separates humans from the animals. Hobbsian political theory, as well as debris left on the ground,

6) The degree of separation from God is the degree represented by the term 'satan.'

7) In death, re transmigration of souls, we go to a rebirth on either side of the 'veil'.

Rosemary said (April 19, 2013):

My belief that I will be in Christ's presence when I die, has eradicated my prior fear of death. I pray that experience would be everyone's. How could He save us but let us live in fear?

I, like others. would encourage you to let another loving friend share its life with you.
I've lost three dear ones and they are always in my heart. I always wish they hadn't gone. Each one taught me things I needed to know. I currently have four dogs, 1 cat, and two frogs.

You always provide some interesting perspectives on life.

Michele said (April 18, 2013):

I've witnessed the death of several pets now, it doesn't get any easier. But I do believe that their spirits go on and they stay around us.

This life is only temporary and I am saddened by the efforts of the very rich to make themselves physically immortal. It proves that there is no spiritual side to their nature, they can only think of the material aspects of life. A life spent mostly in pursuit of material gain is a very poor life. That's probably why we value our pets so much, they expect very little and give much in terms of affection and companionship. Humans take note!!!

Wade said (April 18, 2013):

I am very sorry for your loss Henry. I am in the same age boat that you occupy.

We had to put our 14 1/2 year old dog down last year. Horrible experience !!

I still grieve for my Dolly. For many months I was unable to enter our home alone.
Not having her there to greet me was just to much to bear.

I will never be over the loss of our Dolly. I pray to God that I will meet her in the next life.
That probably sounds silly to some people, but I think you understand.

God's Word says for God's people: "To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord".

I am persuaded, for humans, that not a fraction of a second of the lack of consciousness and total
awarness takes place when our spirit and soul leaves this earthly vessel,(death). For some of
us that is good news and for some people it will be HELL. God will not be mocked Henry. Whatever
a man sews he will reap.

Ken said (April 18, 2013):

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend. I just had to take a cat in to the local vet. He was over 20, beautiful, and a sweetheart; but, became very sick suddenly.

It's good to hear human beings expressing enmity toward death. Death is an enemy, an intruder, not a friend. I would, however, like to note that the idea that we are 'divine' and 'immortal souls' has nothing to do with God. He has never told us that is true--in fact, the opposite. Do other agencies use fear of death to attempt to manipulate and control others? Sure. All the time. But that doesn't mean death isn't real.

The concepts of 'human divinity' and 'innate immortality' are solidly originated in old occult and New Age fields of thought and belief. The first lie the first Luciferian Illuminist told us was directly on this subject: "And the serpent said unto the woman, 'Ye shall not surely die.'"

Life ends because we chose to terminally disconnect from God, spiritually and physically. Existence is conditional upon existential connection with the Giver of all existence and life. We chose the Luciferian, and believed what he said. God respected our free choice. Today, the Luciferian still tells the same lie, because it wonderfully camouflages the real solution to death.

Al Thompson said (April 18, 2013):

I'm sorry to hear about your dog Raffi. I've lost a few dogs in my life, and the way I deal with that loss is to get another dog. I love dogs as they are kind, gentle, loving, and loyal. All they want in return is some food and a lot of love. I'm happy to give it to them; I have two.

I had to put down my cocker spaniel after having her for twelve wonderful years. She was always with me when I was home, and she would sleep under my desk when I was working on the computer. I have a lot of great memories of her, especially when we came home and found her "grazing" on the dining room table.

When she passed, I got another dog a week later. That helped me a lot and I got a new friend. God provides everything we need and the relationship between people and their pets is always very special. I'm looking forward to seeing your new dog. Keep the good memories of Raffi, and make some new ones with a new pup.

Todd said (April 18, 2013):

I have lost a few dogs in my time. We had to put down our lab, which consequently looks just like Raffi about 5 years ago. He had cancer and it spread despite two operations. I held his paw and looked into his eye as he was lying there, getting injected with the “pink floyd” poison. I saw the light go out, I was the last person Hubcap saw. It hurts me to bring it up now, but I thought you should know, that the pain eases as the time passes. Sometimes I go to the fridge to grab a beer and I just look at his picture and smile, because he was a happy dog who was loved. I now have a small dog, what a difference in personalities! But getting a new dog when you feel you have grieved enough is one of the best decisions I ever made.


Jose said (April 18, 2013):

I respect your words and this article brings me closer to the person behind the words I read all the time from my work computer or home.
God bless you for being such an authentic human being in search of truth and acknowledge the only one GOD.

James said (April 18, 2013):

sorry to hear on your dog. they are a special friend. today on a walk by the river was a group of people with fishing poles & a dog. i walked by them & only the dog recognized friendliness & ran over to me & i petted & spoke to him. the people treated me as the homeless soul that i am. life is short. i am 60 this year & i know what you are saying. our creator is the only thing we need to understand. until all of us understand this the world will not change. it says in the book of ecclesiastes in the bible right at the end of the last paragraph what the whole duty of man is. i will not say here, i hope the readers on this site will look it up for themselves.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at